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Liderler Rusya

Derece Sihirdar Zaferler Bozgunlar Aşama / Küme Puan Şampiyonlar
#281 Summoner Icon yasik pod pivask 16 8
45 LP
Elmas I
45 LP
#283 Summoner Icon УЧИXА МАДАРА 42 40
40 LP
Elmas I
40 LP Gwen Bel'Veth Teemo Master Yi
#284 Summoner Icon Alinus 34 32
40 LP
Elmas I
40 LP Teemo Tristana Jhin Cho'Gath Amumu
#285 Summoner Icon nuzhen oxycodone 28 23
40 LP
Elmas I
40 LP
#286 Summoner Icon DeddyВалера 37 37
92 LP
Elmas II
92 LP Akali Milio
#287 Summoner Icon diana banana 35 35
36 LP
Elmas I
36 LP Miss Fortune
#288 Summoner Icon M5 Songoky 38 37
36 LP
Elmas I
36 LP Lux Lee Sin
#289 Summoner Icon саша белый 26 15
35 LP
Elmas I
35 LP
#290 Summoner Icon CarryOP 35 35
34 LP
Elmas I
34 LP
#291 Summoner Icon FundamentalsDiff 110 120
32 LP
Elmas I
32 LP Jhin Irelia Aphelios Malphite Ambessa
#292 Summoner Icon Zipper 21 16
30 LP
Elmas I
30 LP
#293 Summoner Icon The Ruined King 21 20
28 LP
Elmas I
28 LP Nocturne Ambessa
#294 Summoner Icon WhRav 103 92
16 LP
Elmas I
16 LP Tahm Kench
#295 Summoner Icon Depressed Barbie 89 95
28 LP
Elmas I
28 LP Soraka Yuumi
#296 Summoner Icon Glicodin 84 80
26 LP
Elmas I
26 LP Jhin
#297 Summoner Icon Toby 14 7
25 LP
Elmas I
25 LP
#298 Summoner Icon Krolik111 20 15
25 LP
Elmas I
25 LP Yone Vladimir
#299 Summoner Icon Испытание Сирака 39 33
25 LP
Elmas I
25 LP Wukong Gnar
#300 Summoner Icon Hushtail 143 129
24 LP
Elmas I
24 LP Zilean Braum Smolder Vel'Koz Ashe
#301 Summoner Icon VilleVallaton 77 55
22 LP
Elmas I
22 LP Ekko