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© 2014-2025 LoLProfile. LoLProfile Isn't Endorsed By Riot Games And Its Affiliates.



Tablas de clasificación Rusia

Rango Invocador Victorias Derrotas Nivel / División Puntos Campeones
#281 Summoner Icon Caliban 33 25
75 LP
Diamante I
75 LP
#282 Summoner Icon lostinsekkonds 39 35
75 LP
Diamante I
75 LP
#283 Summoner Icon ФЛЮГЕГЕХАЙМЕН 51 67
75 LP
Diamante I
75 LP
#284 Summoner Icon MrJohnX 90 90
75 LP
Diamante I
75 LP
#286 Summoner Icon говорящий бублик 68 66
75 LP
Diamante I
75 LP Soraka
#288 Summoner Icon масик 51 23
75 LP
Diamante I
75 LP
#289 Summoner Icon Zesture 20 12
75 LP
Diamante I
75 LP
#290 Summoner Icon пепса с мятой 8 7
57 LP
Diamante III
57 LP
#291 Summoner Icon Bugster 98 87
73 LP
Diamante I
73 LP
#292 Summoner Icon Diglipuf 16 8
85 LP
Diamante IV
85 LP Urgot Twisted Fate
#294 Summoner Icon Agurin 69 50
71 LP
Diamante I
71 LP
#295 Summoner Icon квзе 17 14
69 LP
Diamante I
69 LP
#296 Summoner Icon Бизнес на Вардах 17 8
69 LP
Diamante I
69 LP
#297 Summoner Icon OLO TO MELI 32 12
68 LP
Diamante I
68 LP
#298 Summoner Icon Suboxone 44 42
68 LP
Diamante I
68 LP
#299 Summoner Icon You are pathetic 69 67
67 LP
Diamante I
67 LP
#300 Summoner Icon moshin 38 36
65 LP
Diamante I
65 LP
#301 Summoner Icon Teemo1234 39 30
62 LP
Master I
62 LP
#302 Summoner Icon liosamd1 56 52
70 LP
Esmeralda I
70 LP
#302 Summoner Icon le artemius 80 57
63 LP
Diamante I
63 LP