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جدول امتیازات اروپای شمالی و شرقی

رنک احضارگر بردها باخت ها رده / بخش امتیازات قهرمانان
#59,461 Summoner Icon stopCrying 25 35
67 LP
Iron I
67 LP
#59,462 Summoner Icon o patric eimai 35 31
67 LP
Iron I
67 LP
#59,463 Summoner Icon Draginja 23 23
67 LP
Iron I
67 LP
#59,464 Summoner Icon BORIS TADIC 28 33
67 LP
Iron I
67 LP
#59,465 Summoner Icon Malaphite r34 16 9
67 LP
Iron I
67 LP
#59,466 Summoner Icon Kowalskyy 6 5
67 LP
Iron I
67 LP
#59,467 Summoner Icon Son Of Minerva 11 12
67 LP
Iron I
67 LP Jinx
#59,468 Summoner Icon Pyrcisko 8 2
67 LP
Iron I
67 LP Irelia
#59,469 Summoner Icon sleeping jungler 20 22
67 LP
Iron I
67 LP Sett
#59,470 Summoner Icon AFK47MIN 15 20
67 LP
Iron I
67 LP
#59,471 Summoner Icon Tedi0 25 19
67 LP
Iron I
67 LP
#59,475 Summoner Icon Rembik12 11 7
66 LP
Iron I
66 LP
#59,476 Summoner Icon SebyRyderz999 44 43
0 LP
برنز IV
0 LP Jinx
#59,477 Summoner Icon さより 3 4
66 LP
Iron I
66 LP
#59,478 Summoner Icon ironek90 3 4
66 LP
Iron I
66 LP
#59,479 Summoner Icon Kotsztefan 7 1
66 LP
Iron I
66 LP Bel'Veth
#59,480 Summoner Icon Turbocpun 79 73
77 LP
برنز I
77 LP Zed
#59,481 Summoner Icon McKamík 11 10
21 LP
برنز IV
21 LP Malzahar
#59,482 Summoner Icon KLXMA19827365264 42 45
66 LP
Iron I
66 LP Renekton
#59,483 Summoner Icon xSoullx 11 8
22 LP
برنز II
22 LP