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جدول امتیازات اروپای شمالی و شرقی

رنک احضارگر بردها باخت ها رده / بخش امتیازات قهرمانان
#46,281 Summoner Icon Ylistudimar 3 3
85 LP
طلا I
85 LP Darius
#46,282 Summoner Icon MLG Doge Meister 3 2
85 LP
طلا I
85 LP Katarina
#46,283 Summoner Icon TO GERO PEOS 60 61
84 LP
طلا I
84 LP Lux
#46,284 Summoner Icon ZIPA 012 15 11
84 LP
طلا I
84 LP
#46,285 Summoner Icon glotygloty523 40 41
84 LP
طلا I
84 LP Malphite
#46,286 Summoner Icon DJ Filipovv 75 72
84 LP
طلا I
84 LP Kindred Milio
#46,288 Summoner Icon ARISKAFROS 41 30
84 LP
طلا I
84 LP Shyvana
#46,289 Summoner Icon Jahan 3 2
84 LP
طلا I
84 LP
#46,290 Summoner Icon FNC Perverzija91 51 55
84 LP
طلا I
84 LP Yone Amumu
#46,291 Summoner Icon P4r4n0rmaL 4 4
84 LP
طلا I
84 LP
#46,292 Summoner Icon Keiran Lee 30cm 21 16
84 LP
طلا I
84 LP
#46,293 Summoner Icon KAPSOKOLISBRONZ5 19 22
84 LP
طلا I
84 LP
#46,294 Summoner Icon Patroszz 17 14
84 LP
طلا I
84 LP
#46,295 Summoner Icon PriestMoeLester 7 9
84 LP
طلا I
84 LP Karma Zoe Nautilus Illaoi Leona
#46,296 Summoner Icon basted97 3 2
84 LP
طلا I
84 LP
#46,297 Summoner Icon Wege Regis 17 17
84 LP
طلا I
84 LP Sivir Aphelios
#46,298 Summoner Icon Soei Lamooie 146 148
84 LP
طلا I
84 LP Caitlyn
#46,299 Summoner Icon BadDay2BeHere 26 14
84 LP
طلا I
84 LP
#46,300 Summoner Icon Sudetský Jezdec 53 49
84 LP
طلا I
84 LP
#46,301 Summoner Icon dedacro 32 36
84 LP
طلا I
84 LP Xerath