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排行榜 火鸡

召唤师 损失 层/部 冠军
#56,201 Summoner Icon ASX LegendArrow 17 22
80 LP
Iron IV
80 LP Jinx
#56,202 Summoner Icon carceres 6 7
80 LP
Iron IV
80 LP Malphite
#56,203 Summoner Icon Maqarna 3 6
79 LP
Iron IV
79 LP
#56,204 Summoner Icon PoleStar 2 10
79 LP
Iron IV
79 LP
#56,206 Summoner Icon Bar2 41 53
79 LP
Iron IV
79 LP Fizz
#56,208 Summoner Icon Salvatore 67 75
79 LP
Iron IV
79 LP Yone
#56,209 Summoner Icon aristocrat 18 27
79 LP
Iron IV
79 LP Twitch
#56,210 Summoner Icon BneMerkür 2 4
79 LP
Iron IV
79 LP
#56,213 Summoner Icon America Ya 2 4
79 LP
Iron IV
79 LP Kayn
#56,214 Summoner Icon GF Okkabazz 2 4
79 LP
Iron IV
79 LP Samira
#56,218 Summoner Icon SEKS TV 69 70
79 LP
Iron IV
79 LP Jinx Caitlyn Swain Warwick Lux
#56,220 Summoner Icon bravaheart55 5 6
79 LP
Iron IV
79 LP Ryze
#56,223 Summoner Icon Katarinaaa 5 7
78 LP
Iron IV
78 LP Master Yi
#56,224 Summoner Icon Jumbokarides 45 53
78 LP
Iron IV
78 LP Kai'Sa Xayah
#56,225 Summoner Icon KarpuzYiyenZed 3 4
78 LP
Iron IV
78 LP Pyke
#56,226 Summoner Icon erthor01 9 9
78 LP
Iron IV
78 LP Nunu & Willump
#56,227 Summoner Icon EixranV1 5 5
78 LP
Iron IV
78 LP
#56,228 Summoner Icon KOLPA 5 7
78 LP
Iron IV
78 LP
#56,229 Summoner Icon xcleron2 13 14
78 LP
Iron IV
78 LP Pyke
#56,230 Summoner Icon 災Wonder Of You害 8 14
78 LP
Iron IV
78 LP