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排行榜 火鸡

召唤师 损失 层/部 冠军
#31,344 Summoner Icon MusashıMıyamoto 6 1
6 LP
金 IV
6 LP Malzahar
#31,346 Summoner Icon Rumélu Lakaka 16 13
6 LP
金 IV
6 LP Kha'Zix
#31,348 Summoner Icon Salpagut 73 67
6 LP
金 IV
6 LP
#31,354 Summoner Icon KADIN SEVDALISI 87 96
6 LP
金 IV
6 LP Samira
#31,357 Summoner Icon Sayklops 4 4
6 LP
金 IV
6 LP
#31,359 Summoner Icon Dante 133 116
6 LP
金 IV
6 LP
#31,363 Summoner Icon Desqa 9 6
6 LP
金 IV
6 LP Jhin
#31,365 Summoner Icon as a Champion 14 7
5 LP
金 IV
5 LP
#31,369 Summoner Icon hlil 182 175
5 LP
金 IV
5 LP
#31,375 Summoner Icon LEGEND COMMANDER 36 30
5 LP
金 IV
5 LP
#31,379 Summoner Icon Mami The Great 16 13
5 LP
金 IV
5 LP
#31,380 Summoner Icon Shinigamii 42 41
5 LP
金 IV
5 LP Kayle
#31,381 Summoner Icon Féanor 5 9
5 LP
金 IV
5 LP Jinx
#31,384 Summoner Icon CULLEN v1 22 14
5 LP
金 IV
5 LP
#31,385 Summoner Icon Mijennshky 10 10
5 LP
金 IV
5 LP
#31,394 Summoner Icon 186 cm 85 kg 32 43
5 LP
金 IV
5 LP
#31,400 Summoner Icon Lightstep 5 3
5 LP
金 IV
5 LP
#31,401 Summoner Icon Hagall 29 36
5 LP
金 IV
5 LP
#31,402 Summoner Icon İneffable 7 2
5 LP
金 IV
5 LP
#31,410 Summoner Icon getsuga tenshou 39 37
5 LP
金 IV
5 LP