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排行榜 欧盟北欧和东亚

召唤师 损失 层/部 冠军
#89,161 Summoner Icon Kr3mufkasz 57 53
89 LP
金 IV
89 LP
#89,162 Summoner Icon Heal My Wounds 26 39
89 LP
金 IV
89 LP
#89,163 Summoner Icon Zed Never Miss Q 31 25
89 LP
金 IV
89 LP
#89,165 Summoner Icon GoATwithCheesE 15 12
89 LP
金 IV
89 LP
#89,166 Summoner Icon White Deąth 24 26
89 LP
金 IV
89 LP
#89,167 Summoner Icon MpiraMeKalamaki 72 56
89 LP
金 IV
89 LP
#89,168 Summoner Icon kATARINA DlFF 14 10
89 LP
金 IV
89 LP
#89,169 Summoner Icon twmo66 10 3
89 LP
金 IV
89 LP
#89,170 Summoner Icon Aggeros 7 8
89 LP
金 IV
89 LP
#89,171 Summoner Icon Negative Minus 12 2
89 LP
金 IV
89 LP
#89,172 Summoner Icon golo the killer 78 79
89 LP
金 IV
89 LP
#89,173 Summoner Icon Her big daddy 25 19
89 LP
金 IV
89 LP
#89,178 Summoner Icon Rydy chyj 24 29
89 LP
金 IV
89 LP Swain
#89,179 Summoner Icon SüsüÄsárkány 19 20
89 LP
金 IV
89 LP
#89,181 Summoner Icon xSchtefan9x 13 12
89 LP
金 IV
89 LP Kayle
#89,182 Summoner Icon PrettyLFJ 34 31
89 LP
金 IV
89 LP Jhin
#89,183 Summoner Icon MasterBlade 53 53
89 LP
金 IV
89 LP
#89,184 Summoner Icon ILOVEWEEDZWIADRA 10 10
89 LP
金 IV
89 LP
#89,185 Summoner Icon 1wyvern1 131 115
89 LP
金 IV
89 LP
#89,186 Summoner Icon mimis212 4 8
89 LP
金 IV
89 LP