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排行榜 欧盟北欧和东亚

召唤师 损失 层/部 冠军
#7,522 Summoner Icon Death Pro 63 56
85 LP
钻石 III
85 LP
#7,525 Summoner Icon Pepolium 13 5
85 LP
钻石 III
85 LP
#7,529 Summoner Icon UnrealDario 75 81
85 LP
钻石 III
85 LP
#7,530 Summoner Icon Mr Kozalis 102 86
85 LP
钻石 III
85 LP
#7,531 Summoner Icon ManlyChad 100 87
85 LP
钻石 III
85 LP
#7,533 Summoner Icon Falken 45 16
85 LP
钻石 III
85 LP
#7,534 Summoner Icon Smoko 42 48
85 LP
钻石 III
85 LP
#7,537 Summoner Icon RunningSushi 36 30
85 LP
钻石 III
85 LP
#7,541 Summoner Icon Ph0enixSlaYeR 21 23
85 LP
钻石 III
85 LP
#7,544 Summoner Icon Syzyfix 78 91
84 LP
钻石 III
84 LP
#7,545 Summoner Icon PowTev 26 25
84 LP
钻石 III
84 LP Caitlyn
#7,546 Summoner Icon Party with ZAC 14 6
84 LP
钻石 III
84 LP
#7,547 Summoner Icon DanDosXR2 30 28
84 LP
钻石 III
84 LP
#7,548 Summoner Icon zimbabwe ekitten 18 18
84 LP
钻石 III
84 LP Lulu
#7,550 Summoner Icon billg 18 16
84 LP
钻石 III
84 LP
#7,551 Summoner Icon AdCarryMeDaddy 36 26
84 LP
钻石 III
84 LP
#7,552 Summoner Icon czampar 248 261
84 LP
钻石 III
84 LP
#7,553 Summoner Icon ThiccJesus 10 4
84 LP
钻石 III
84 LP
#7,558 Summoner Icon savkeGG 65 69
59 LP
Emerald I
59 LP
#7,559 Summoner Icon Ψινθενός 31 27
84 LP
钻石 III
84 LP