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Xếp hạng 5v5

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09/16/2024 17:20 (5 NgàyTrước)
Game Thời lượng: 1Phút
Chia sẻ
Đội 1: Đánh bại
8 / 8 / 7
KalasNikovV2 1 / 3 / 1 không ai | Ủng hộ
Lv 10 / 4,283G
75 CS | 0 4 0 Phường
Giết Sự Tham Gia: 25%
Doran's Ring Rylai's Crystal Scepter Boots Cloth Armor Stealth Ward
2 / 3 / 0 không ai | Ủng hộ
Lv 7 / 4,132G
57 CS | 0 0 1 Phường
Giết Sự Tham Gia: 25%
Gustwalker Hatchling Nashor's Tooth Slightly Magical Footwear Oracle Lens
Risjisash 1 / 2 / 0 không ai | Ủng hộ
Lv 10 / 4,707G
111 CS | 0 0 0 Phường
Giết Sự Tham Gia: 12%
Doran's Shield Recurve Bow Berserker's Greaves Vampiric Scepter Stealth Ward
0 VALI 0 3 / 0 / 2 không ai | Ủng hộ
Lv 9 / 5,628G
93 CS | 1 6 0 Phường
Giết Sự Tham Gia: 62%
The Collector Doran's Blade Slightly Magical Footwear Stealth Ward
Alexz30303 1 / 0 / 4 không ai | Ủng hộ
Lv 8 / 3,889G
24 CS | 2 10 5 Phường
Giết Sự Tham Gia: 62%
Sorcerer's Shoes Zaz'Zak's Realmspike Kindlegem Oracle Lens
Đội 2: Chiến thắng
8 / 8 / 6
      Dragon Dragon Kills: 2
DOSE48 4 / 2 / 2 không ai | Ủng hộ
Lv 10 / 5,453G
85 CS | 0 5 0 Phường
Giết Sự Tham Gia: 75%
Trinity Force Refillable Potion Plated Steelcaps Stealth Ward
ShujinLoKy 3 / 1 / 2 không ai | Ủng hộ
Lv 9 / 5,553G
94 CS | 0 4 2 Phường
Giết Sự Tham Gia: 62%
Mosstomper Seedling Blade of The Ruined King Plated Steelcaps Stealth Ward
starvarsmaggara 1 / 0 / 2 không ai | Ủng hộ
Lv 9 / 4,365G
81 CS | 2 4 0 Phường
Giết Sự Tham Gia: 37%
Eclipse Glowing Mote Boots Control Ward Stealth Ward
Furtivity 0 / 2 / 0 không ai | Ủng hộ
Lv 8 / 3,643G
73 CS | 2 5 0 Phường
Giết Sự Tham Gia: 0%
Doran's Blade Serrated Dirk Refillable Potion Boots Caulfield's Warhammer Stealth Ward
sanadsaqer007 0 / 3 / 0 không ai | Ủng hộ
Lv 8 / 3,277G
36 CS | 0 6 1 Phường
Giết Sự Tham Gia: 0%
Bounty of Worlds Lost Chapter Fated Ashes Boots Stealth Ward
Mordekaiser KalasNikovV2
Yone Risjisash
Miss Fortune 0 VALI 0
Hoàn hảo KDA!
Neeko Alexz30303
Hoàn hảo KDA!
Yorick DOSE48
Viego ShujinLoKy
Zed starvarsmaggara
Hoàn hảo KDA!
Draven Furtivity
Zyra sanadsaqer007
Mordekaiser Diana Yone Miss Fortune Neeko Yorick Viego Zed Draven Zyra
0.67 KDA
0 Double Kills
0 Triple Kills
0 Quadra Kills
0 Penta Kills
Lệnh Kỹ năng
Obliterate Q Q Q Q Q
Indestructible W
Death's Grasp E E E
Realm of Death R
Mặt hàng
Doran's Ring Health Potion Health Potion
Blasting Wand
Giant's Belt
Rylai's Crystal Scepter Boots Cloth Armor
0.67 KDA
0 Double Kills
0 Triple Kills
0 Quadra Kills
0 Penta Kills
Lệnh Kỹ năng
Crescent Strike Q Q Q Q
Pale Cascade W
Lunar Rush E
Moonfall R
Mặt hàng
Gustwalker Hatchling Oracle Lens Health Potion
Fiendish Codex Recurve Bow Blasting Wand Dagger
Recurve Bow
Nashor's Tooth
0.50 KDA
0 Double Kills
0 Triple Kills
0 Quadra Kills
0 Penta Kills
Lệnh Kỹ năng
Mortal Steel Q Q Q Q Q
Spirit Cleave W
Soul Unbound E E E
Fate Sealed R
Mặt hàng
Doran's Shield Health Potion
Berserker's Greaves
Recurve Bow Health Potion
Long Sword
Vampiric Scepter
Hoàn hảo KDA! KDA
1 Double Kills
0 Triple Kills
0 Quadra Kills
0 Penta Kills
Lệnh Kỹ năng
Double Up Q Q Q Q Q
Strut W
Make It Rain E E
Bullet Time R
Mặt hàng
Doran's Blade Health Potion Stealth Ward
Long Sword Health Potion Control Ward
Long Sword
Health Potion
B. F. Sword Health Potion
The Collector
Hoàn hảo KDA! KDA
0 Double Kills
0 Triple Kills
0 Quadra Kills
0 Penta Kills
Lệnh Kỹ năng
Blooming Burst Q Q Q Q
Shapesplitter W
Tangle-Barbs E E
Pop Blossom R
Mặt hàng
World Atlas Health Potion Health Potion
Control Ward
Sorcerer's Shoes Control Ward Oracle Lens
3.00 KDA
0 Double Kills
0 Triple Kills
0 Quadra Kills
0 Penta Kills
Lệnh Kỹ năng
Last Rites Q Q Q Q Q
Dark Procession W
Mourning Mist E E E
Eulogy of the Isles R
Mặt hàng
Long Sword Refillable Potion
Hearthbound Axe Boots
Trinity Force Cloth Armor
Plated Steelcaps
5.00 KDA
0 Double Kills
0 Triple Kills
0 Quadra Kills
0 Penta Kills
Lệnh Kỹ năng
Blade of the Ruined King Q Q Q Q Q
Spectral Maw W W
Harrowed Path E
Heartbreaker R
Mặt hàng
Mosstomper Seedling
Recurve Bow
Vampiric Scepter
Blade of The Ruined King Cloth Armor
Plated Steelcaps
Hoàn hảo KDA! KDA
0 Double Kills
0 Triple Kills
0 Quadra Kills
0 Penta Kills
Lệnh Kỹ năng
Razor Shuriken Q Q Q Q Q
Living Shadow W
Shadow Slash E E
Death Mark R
Mặt hàng
Long Sword Health Potion Health Potion Health Potion
Caulfield's Warhammer Pickaxe Boots Control Ward
Long Sword
Eclipse Glowing Mote Control Ward
Hoàn hảo KDA! KDA
0 Double Kills
0 Triple Kills
0 Quadra Kills
0 Penta Kills
Lệnh Kỹ năng
Spinning Axe Q Q Q Q
Blood Rush W W
Stand Aside E
Whirling Death R
Mặt hàng
Doran's Blade Stealth Ward Health Potion
Long Sword Health Potion
Control Ward
Serrated Dirk Glowing Mote
Long Sword Control Ward
Caulfield's Warhammer Boots Refillable Potion
Hoàn hảo KDA! KDA
0 Double Kills
0 Triple Kills
0 Quadra Kills
0 Penta Kills
Lệnh Kỹ năng
Deadly Spines Q Q
Rampant Growth W
Grasping Roots E E E E
Stranglethorns R
Mặt hàng
World Atlas Health Potion Health Potion Stealth Ward
Glowing Mote
Amplifying Tome Sapphire Crystal Boots
Lost Chapter
Amplifying Tome
Fated Ashes
Đã mua Doran's Ring Health Potion Health Potion

Đã mua Gustwalker Hatchling Oracle Lens Health Potion

Đã mua Doran's Shield Health Potion

Miss Fortune
Đã mua Doran's Blade Health Potion Stealth Ward

Đã mua World Atlas Health Potion Health Potion

Đặt phường Stealth Ward

Đã mua Long Sword Refillable Potion

Đã mua Mosstomper Seedling

Đã mua Long Sword Health Potion Health Potion Health Potion

Đã mua Doran's Blade Stealth Ward Health Potion

Đặt phường Stealth Ward

Đã mua World Atlas Health Potion Health Potion Stealth Ward

Đặt phường Guardian's Amulet Stealth Ward Guardian's Amulet Guardian's Amulet

Miss Fortune
Đã mua Long Sword Health Potion Control Ward

Đã mua Control Ward

Đã mua Recurve Bow

Đã mua Long Sword Health Potion

Đã mua Glowing Mote

Đặt phường Guardian's Amulet Guardian's Amulet

Miss Fortune
Đã mua Long Sword

Đặt phường Stealth Ward

Đã mua Control Ward

Đã mua Blasting Wand

Đã mua Berserker's Greaves

Miss Fortune
Đã mua Health Potion

Đã mua Hearthbound Axe Boots

Đặt phường Stealth Ward

Bị giết Mordekaiser

Đã mua Amplifying Tome Sapphire Crystal Boots

Đặt phường Guardian's Amulet Guardian's Amulet Guardian's Amulet

Đã mua Fiendish Codex Recurve Bow Blasting Wand Dagger

Đã mua Vampiric Scepter

Đã mua Recurve Bow

Đã mua Recurve Bow Health Potion

Miss Fortune
Đã mua B. F. Sword Health Potion

Đặt phường Stealth Ward

Đã mua Sorcerer's Shoes Control Ward Oracle Lens

Đặt phường Stealth Ward Guardian's Amulet

Đã mua Caulfield's Warhammer Pickaxe Boots Control Ward

Đã mua Serrated Dirk Glowing Mote

Đã mua Giant's Belt

Đặt phường Stealth Ward

Đã mua Long Sword

Đã mua Long Sword

Đã mua Long Sword Control Ward

Đã mua Lost Chapter

Đặt phường Guardian's Amulet Guardian's Amulet Guardian's Amulet Guardian's Amulet Guardian's Amulet

Miss Fortune
Đã mua The Collector

Đã mua Trinity Force Cloth Armor

Đã mua Blade of The Ruined King Cloth Armor

Đã mua Amplifying Tome

Đặt phường Guardian's Amulet Guardian's Amulet Guardian's Amulet Guardian's Amulet Guardian's Amulet Guardian's Amulet Guardian's Amulet Guardian's Amulet Guardian's Amulet Guardian's Amulet Guardian's Amulet

Đã mua Nashor's Tooth

Đã mua Vampiric Scepter

Đã mua Kindlegem

Đặt phường Guardian's Amulet

Đã mua Plated Steelcaps

Đặt phường Guardian's Amulet Guardian's Amulet Guardian's Amulet Guardian's Amulet Guardian's Amulet Guardian's Amulet Guardian's Amulet Guardian's Amulet Guardian's Amulet Guardian's Amulet Guardian's Amulet Guardian's Amulet Guardian's Amulet Guardian's Amulet Guardian's Amulet Guardian's Amulet Guardian's Amulet Guardian's Amulet Stealth Ward Guardian's Amulet Guardian's Amulet Guardian's Amulet Guardian's Amulet Guardian's Amulet Guardian's Amulet Guardian's Amulet Guardian's Amulet Guardian's Amulet Guardian's Amulet Guardian's Amulet Guardian's Amulet Guardian's Amulet Guardian's Amulet Guardian's Amulet Guardian's Amulet Guardian's Amulet Guardian's Amulet

Bị giết Mordekaiser

Đã mua Rylai's Crystal Scepter Boots Cloth Armor

Đã mua Eclipse Glowing Mote Control Ward

Đặt phường Stealth Ward

Đã mua Caulfield's Warhammer Boots Refillable Potion

Đã mua Fated Ashes

Đặt phường Guardian's Amulet Guardian's Amulet Guardian's Amulet Guardian's Amulet Guardian's Amulet

Đã mua Plated Steelcaps