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Xếp hạng 5v5

Tây Âu
11/11/2023 12:12 (10 thángTrước)
Game Thời lượng: 1Phút
Chia sẻ
Đội 1: Chiến thắng
22 / 7 / 8
Tower Kills Tháp Kills: 4       Dragon Dragon Kills: 1
Ukîyô 6 / 1 / 1 không ai | Ủng hộ
Lv 12 / 8,062G
123 CS | 2 6 0 Phường
Giết Sự Tham Gia: 31%
Phage Stridebreaker Berserker's Greaves Winged Moonplate Pickaxe Stealth Ward
Darth Vaper 4 / 0 / 2 không ai | Ủng hộ
Lv 11 / 7,511G
139 CS | 0 0 1 Phường
Giết Sự Tham Gia: 27%
Kraken Slayer Pickaxe Cloak of Agility Slightly Magical Footwear Oracle Lens
Rony Toplane 8 / 1 / 0 không ai | Ủng hộ
Lv 12 / 7,928G
116 CS | 0 3 3 Phường
Giết Sự Tham Gia: 36%
Dark Seal Corrupting Potion Luden's Companion Ionian Boots of Lucidity Fiendish Codex Oracle Lens
Pablo sk 2 / 2 / 2 không ai | Ủng hộ
Lv 9 / 6,051G
121 CS | 1 1 0 Phường
Giết Sự Tham Gia: 18%
B. F. Sword Kraken Slayer Berserker's Greaves Refillable Potion Dagger Stealth Ward
Lageeris 2 / 3 / 3 không ai | Ủng hộ
Lv 8 / 4,155G
20 CS | 0 6 1 Phường
Giết Sự Tham Gia: 22%
Targon's Buckler Mercury's Treads Catalyst of Aeons Blasting Wand Stealth Ward
Đội 2: Đánh bại
7 / 22 / 6
Abuzoru 0 / 6 / 1 không ai | Ủng hộ
Lv 9 / 3,832G
75 CS | 0 4 0 Phường
Giết Sự Tham Gia: 14%
Ironspike Whip Refillable Potion Hearthbound Axe Boots Cloth Armor Doran's Blade Stealth Ward
Raysteal1 1 / 5 / 1 không ai | Ủng hộ
Lv 8 / 5,180G
89 CS | 1 1 0 Phường
Giết Sự Tham Gia: 28%
Long Sword Boots Youmuu's Ghostblade Scorchclaw Pup Long Sword Oracle Lens
Fexron 1 / 4 / 1 không ai | Ủng hộ
Lv 10 / 4,795G
81 CS | 0 3 0 Phường
Giết Sự Tham Gia: 28%
Tear of the Goddess Rod of Ages Ionian Boots of Lucidity Stealth Ward
RCubeHoodyFrenzy 5 / 3 / 0 không ai | Duo
Lv 10 / 6,258G
119 CS | 0 4 0 Phường
Giết Sự Tham Gia: 71%
Doran's Blade Trinity Force Ionian Boots of Lucidity Tear of the Goddess Caulfield's Warhammer Stealth Ward
Gwenneiss 0 / 4 / 3 không ai | Ủng hộ
Lv 8 / 3,850G
12 CS | 2 7 1 Phường
Giết Sự Tham Gia: 42%
Frostfang Shurelya's Battlesong Boots Ruby Crystal Control Ward Oracle Lens
Garen Bel'Veth Fizz Kai'Sa Alistar Darius Graves Kassadin Ezreal Zilean
7.00 KDA
0 Double Kills
0 Triple Kills
0 Quadra Kills
0 Penta Kills
Lệnh Kỹ năng
Decisive Strike Q Q Q Q Q
Courage W
Judgment E E E E
Demacian Justice R R
Mặt hàng
Health Potion Stealth Ward Doran's Blade Health Potion Stealth Ward
Hearthbound Axe Control Ward Health Potion Health Potion
Ironspike Whip Health Potion Health Potion
Stridebreaker Health Potion
Berserker's Greaves Pickaxe Health Potion Health Potion Control Ward
Phage Winged Moonplate
Hoàn hảo KDA! KDA
0 Double Kills
0 Triple Kills
0 Quadra Kills
0 Penta Kills
Lệnh Kỹ năng
Void Surge Q Q Q Q Q
Above and Below W
Royal Maelstrom E E E
Endless Banquet R R
Mặt hàng
Mosstomper Seedling Health Potion
Long Sword Long Sword Dagger Oracle Lens
Noonquiver Cloak of Agility Dagger
Kraken Slayer Pickaxe Cloak of Agility
8.00 KDA
0 Double Kills
0 Triple Kills
0 Quadra Kills
0 Penta Kills
Lệnh Kỹ năng
Urchin Strike Q
Seastone Trident W W W W
Playful / Trickster E E E E E
Chum the Waters R R
Mặt hàng
Corrupting Potion Stealth Ward
Dark Seal
Lost Chapter Boots
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
Blasting Wand Amplifying Tome
Luden's Companion Amplifying Tome Oracle Lens Fiendish Codex Oracle Lens
2.00 KDA
0 Double Kills
0 Triple Kills
0 Quadra Kills
0 Penta Kills
Lệnh Kỹ năng
Icathian Rain Q Q Q Q Q
Void Seeker W
Supercharge E E
Killer Instinct R
Mặt hàng
Doran's Blade Health Potion
Long Sword
Long Sword
Noonquiver Recurve Bow Dagger Refillable Potion Control Ward
Berserker's Greaves Dagger
Kraken Slayer B. F. Sword
1.67 KDA
0 Double Kills
0 Triple Kills
0 Quadra Kills
0 Penta Kills
Lệnh Kỹ năng
Pulverize Q Q
Headbutt W W W W
Trample E
Unbreakable Will R
Mặt hàng
Relic Shield Health Potion Health Potion Stealth Ward
Boots Ruby Crystal
Catalyst of Aeons
Mercury's Treads
Blasting Wand
0.17 KDA
0 Double Kills
0 Triple Kills
0 Quadra Kills
0 Penta Kills
Lệnh Kỹ năng
Decimate Q Q Q Q Q
Crippling Strike W
Apprehend E E
Noxian Guillotine R
Mặt hàng
Doran's Blade Health Potion
Long Sword Refillable Potion
Hearthbound Axe
Cloth Armor
Plated Steelcaps Pickaxe
Ironspike Whip
0.40 KDA
0 Double Kills
0 Triple Kills
0 Quadra Kills
0 Penta Kills
Lệnh Kỹ năng
End of the Line Q Q Q Q
Smoke Screen W
Quickdraw E E
Collateral Damage R
Mặt hàng
Scorchclaw Pup Health Potion Stealth Ward
Long Sword Long Sword Oracle Lens Control Ward
Serrated Dirk Long Sword
Caulfield's Warhammer
Youmuu's Ghostblade Boots Long Sword Long Sword
0.50 KDA
0 Double Kills
0 Triple Kills
0 Quadra Kills
0 Penta Kills
Lệnh Kỹ năng
Null Sphere Q
Nether Blade W W W
Force Pulse E E E E E
Riftwalk R
Mặt hàng
Dark Seal Refillable Potion Tear of the Goddess Health Potion Health Potion Health Potion Health Potion Stealth Ward
Blasting Wand Health Potion
Ruby Crystal
Amplifying Tome
Sapphire Crystal
Rod of Ages
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
1.67 KDA
1 Double Kills
0 Triple Kills
0 Quadra Kills
0 Penta Kills
Lệnh Kỹ năng
Mystic Shot Q Q Q Q Q
Essence Flux W
Arcane Shift E E
Trueshot Barrage R
Mặt hàng
Doran's Blade Health Potion Stealth Ward
Tear of the Goddess Sheen
Hearthbound Axe Ruby Crystal
Trinity Force Ionian Boots of Lucidity Long Sword
Caulfield's Warhammer
0.75 KDA
0 Double Kills
0 Triple Kills
0 Quadra Kills
0 Penta Kills
Lệnh Kỹ năng
Time Bomb Q Q Q Q
Rewind W W
Time Warp E
Chronoshift R
Mặt hàng
Spellthief's Edge Health Potion Health Potion
Boots Faerie Charm
Bandleglass Mirror Oracle Lens
Ruby Crystal
Shurelya's Battlesong Control Ward
Ruby Crystal Control Ward
Đã mua Health Potion Stealth Ward Doran's Blade Health Potion Stealth Ward

Đã mua Mosstomper Seedling Health Potion

Đã mua Corrupting Potion Stealth Ward

Đã mua Doran's Blade Health Potion

Đã mua Relic Shield Health Potion Health Potion Stealth Ward

Đã mua Doran's Blade Health Potion

Đã mua Scorchclaw Pup Health Potion Stealth Ward

Đã mua Dark Seal Refillable Potion Tear of the Goddess Health Potion Health Potion Health Potion Health Potion Stealth Ward

Đã mua Doran's Blade Health Potion Stealth Ward

Đã mua Spellthief's Edge Health Potion Health Potion

Đã mua Dark Seal

Đặt phường Stealth Ward

Đã mua Long Sword

Đã mua Boots Ruby Crystal

Bị giết Zilean

Đã mua Long Sword Refillable Potion

Đã mua Blasting Wand Health Potion

Bị giết Fizz

Đã mua Boots Faerie Charm

Đã mua Hearthbound Axe Control Ward Health Potion Health Potion

Đã mua Long Sword Long Sword Dagger Oracle Lens

Đã mua Long Sword

Đã mua Long Sword Long Sword Oracle Lens Control Ward

Đã mua Tear of the Goddess Sheen

Đã mua Lost Chapter Boots

Bị giết Kassadin

Đã mua Ruby Crystal

Đã mua Noonquiver Cloak of Agility Dagger

Bị giết Graves

Đã mua Ionian Boots of Lucidity

Bị giết Kassadin

Đã mua Hearthbound Axe

Đã mua Serrated Dirk Long Sword

Đã mua Amplifying Tome

Đã mua Ironspike Whip Health Potion Health Potion

Đặt phường Stealth Ward

Đã mua Catalyst of Aeons

Bị giết Zilean

Đã mua Boots

Đã mua Hearthbound Axe Ruby Crystal

Đã mua Bandleglass Mirror Oracle Lens

Đã mua Stridebreaker Health Potion

Đặt phường Stealth Ward

Đã mua Blasting Wand Amplifying Tome

Bị giết Zilean

Đã mua Noonquiver Recurve Bow Dagger Refillable Potion Control Ward

Đã mua Caulfield's Warhammer

Đã mua Sapphire Crystal

Đã mua Ruby Crystal

Đã mua Kraken Slayer Pickaxe Cloak of Agility

Đã mua Berserker's Greaves Dagger

Đã mua Mercury's Treads

Đã mua Cloth Armor

Đặt phường Stealth Ward

Đã mua Rod of Ages

Đã mua Berserker's Greaves Pickaxe Health Potion Health Potion Control Ward

Bị giết Darius

Đã mua Luden's Companion Amplifying Tome Oracle Lens Fiendish Codex Oracle Lens

Đã mua Plated Steelcaps Pickaxe

Đã mua Trinity Force Ionian Boots of Lucidity Long Sword

Đã mua Shurelya's Battlesong Control Ward

Đặt phường Guardian's Amulet Guardian's Amulet

Đã mua Ironspike Whip

Đã mua Youmuu's Ghostblade Boots Long Sword Long Sword

Đã mua Blasting Wand

Đã mua Ionian Boots of Lucidity

Đã mua Caulfield's Warhammer

Đặt phường Stealth Ward

Bị giết Alistar

Đã mua Ruby Crystal Control Ward

Đã mua Phage Winged Moonplate

Đặt phường Stealth Ward

Xây dựng bị phá hủy

Đã mua Kraken Slayer B. F. Sword