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Liderler Japonya

Derece Sihirdar Zaferler Bozgunlar Aşama / Küme Puan Şampiyonlar
#1,761 Summoner Icon ポセイドンかずき 67 75
57 LP
Platin IV
57 LP
#1,762 Summoner Icon 自動販売機 70 86
56 LP
Platin IV
56 LP
#1,763 Summoner Icon Chiyo 13 17
56 LP
Platin IV
56 LP
#1,768 Summoner Icon Soraka 6 5
55 LP
Platin IV
55 LP
#1,770 Summoner Icon fitwing 22 14
54 LP
Platin IV
54 LP
#1,775 Summoner Icon 海老臭い 10 13
52 LP
Platin IV
52 LP
#1,777 Summoner Icon Rexwood 32 22
50 LP
Platin IV
50 LP
#1,781 Summoner Icon 佐野 智則 40 31
50 LP
Platin IV
50 LP
#1,783 Summoner Icon Tokyo University 1 6
50 LP
Platin IV
50 LP
#1,784 Summoner Icon salt 43 48
49 LP
Platin IV
49 LP
#1,786 Summoner Icon 4Ex 14 13
49 LP
Platin IV
49 LP
#1,787 Summoner Icon くられ 5 8
48 LP
Platin IV
48 LP
#1,790 Summoner Icon MotHal 34 24
45 LP
Platin IV
45 LP
#1,792 Summoner Icon 私は海原雄山だ女将を呼べ 117 121
45 LP
Platin IV
45 LP
#1,798 Summoner Icon 静水流転の輝き 15 15
41 LP
Platin IV
41 LP
#1,810 Summoner Icon 堀 西 68 59
36 LP
Platin IV
36 LP
#1,813 Summoner Icon the moon chan 20 19
35 LP
Platin IV
35 LP
#1,814 Summoner Icon Viper 1 7
35 LP
Platin IV
35 LP
#1,816 Summoner Icon MiHi 57 39
35 LP
Platin IV
35 LP
#1,823 Summoner Icon narrow 9 6
31 LP
Platin IV
31 LP