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Liderler AB Batı

Derece Sihirdar Zaferler Bozgunlar Aşama / Küme Puan Şampiyonlar
#4,401 Summoner Icon first to iron 40 34
85 LP
Platin IV
85 LP
#4,402 Summoner Icon Lyuxs 5 21
85 LP
Platin IV
85 LP Lux Zyra Thresh Nautilus Nami
#4,403 Summoner Icon KatJar 3 3
85 LP
Platin IV
85 LP
#4,404 Summoner Icon spesium 31 25
85 LP
Platin IV
85 LP
#4,405 Summoner Icon Maniacal 16 16
85 LP
Platin IV
85 LP Vladimir Jhin Shaco
#4,406 Summoner Icon Samara H7 43 42
84 LP
Platin IV
84 LP
#4,407 Summoner Icon LeBlancPilot 14 12
84 LP
Platin IV
84 LP
#4,408 Summoner Icon 4rcano 25 26
84 LP
Platin IV
84 LP Zyra Maokai Lux Nautilus Galio
#4,409 Summoner Icon Hufffman 6 12
84 LP
Platin IV
84 LP
#4,410 Summoner Icon very strong 64 51
84 LP
Platin IV
84 LP
#4,411 Summoner Icon Llabughem 25 14
84 LP
Platin IV
84 LP
#4,412 Summoner Icon LovianaKuro 28 20
83 LP
Platin IV
83 LP
#4,413 Summoner Icon smufit 38 23
83 LP
Platin IV
83 LP Vel'Koz
#4,414 Summoner Icon DaWolle 119 122
83 LP
Platin IV
83 LP Ashe
#4,415 Summoner Icon steph1202 12 14
83 LP
Platin IV
83 LP
#4,416 Summoner Icon Morkara 21 17
83 LP
Platin IV
83 LP Smolder Ezreal Ziggs
#4,417 Summoner Icon CeesTotaalbouw 21 14
83 LP
Platin IV
83 LP
#4,418 Summoner Icon ZaYck0O 20 22
83 LP
Platin IV
83 LP Mel Syndra Ziggs Seraphine Yone
#4,419 Summoner Icon Horhus i Murre 27 26
82 LP
Platin IV
82 LP
#4,420 Summoner Icon Fãriš 10 7
82 LP
Platin IV
82 LP