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Liderler AB İskandinav & Doğu

Derece Sihirdar Zaferler Bozgunlar Aşama / Küme Puan Şampiyonlar
#13,721 Summoner Icon Yuighkbov 16 13
11 LP
Platin IV
11 LP Heimerdinger
#13,722 Summoner Icon S3Solider 11 9
11 LP
Platin IV
11 LP
#13,723 Summoner Icon Flime5372 16 14
11 LP
Platin IV
11 LP
#13,724 Summoner Icon BalderBlight 30 22
11 LP
Platin IV
11 LP Taliyah
#13,726 Summoner Icon TwistedPro 43 38
11 LP
Platin IV
11 LP
#13,727 Summoner Icon bobby and gentaz 21 21
11 LP
Platin IV
11 LP
#13,728 Summoner Icon Why so serious 34 34
10 LP
Platin IV
10 LP
#13,729 Summoner Icon Mutex 65 55
10 LP
Platin IV
10 LP
#13,730 Summoner Icon SpiriGrekko 25 25
10 LP
Platin IV
10 LP
#13,731 Summoner Icon Vesto 9 11
10 LP
Platin IV
10 LP Pantheon
#13,732 Summoner Icon youngchill 21 19
10 LP
Platin IV
10 LP
#13,733 Summoner Icon Mainaianni 17 21
10 LP
Platin IV
10 LP
#13,734 Summoner Icon Lady Terror 23 22
85 LP
Platin III
85 LP Malzahar Lux Zyra Annie Soraka
#13,735 Summoner Icon HoneyBunny 47 45
10 LP
Platin IV
10 LP Rakan
#13,736 Summoner Icon Impos1bl3 59 51
10 LP
Platin IV
10 LP
#13,737 Summoner Icon Volekokospico 98 79
10 LP
Platin IV
10 LP Jax Yasuo
#13,738 Summoner Icon xFaŁŁeNx 20 23
10 LP
Platin IV
10 LP
#13,739 Summoner Icon WesołyFranek 26 24
20 LP
Platin II
20 LP
#13,740 Summoner Icon SAgentS 35 49
1 LP
Altın I
1 LP Teemo
#13,741 Summoner Icon konanx 92 76
10 LP
Platin IV
10 LP Mordekaiser Zac