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Liderler AB İskandinav & Doğu

Derece Sihirdar Zaferler Bozgunlar Aşama / Küme Puan Şampiyonlar
#42,041 Summoner Icon ZenoniaC 33 34
75 LP
Platin IV
75 LP Garen
#42,044 Summoner Icon Maciekzrobmiloda 8 6
75 LP
Platin IV
75 LP
#42,045 Summoner Icon Vaktorpl 42 40
75 LP
Platin IV
75 LP
#42,053 Summoner Icon Best of Teemo 85 82
75 LP
Platin IV
75 LP
#42,056 Summoner Icon Morphine 135 117
75 LP
Platin IV
75 LP
#42,057 Summoner Icon SexyBallz 30 26
75 LP
Platin IV
75 LP
#42,058 Summoner Icon Thneedmáestro 114 111
75 LP
Platin IV
75 LP
#42,060 Summoner Icon Gragas z Brna 9 13
75 LP
Platin IV
75 LP
#42,061 Summoner Icon Powerity 40 39
75 LP
Platin IV
75 LP
#42,062 Summoner Icon Satahaya 5 1
75 LP
Platin IV
75 LP
#42,064 Summoner Icon MMR 4 4
75 LP
Platin IV
75 LP
#42,065 Summoner Icon FiškusQoQ 33 57
75 LP
Platin IV
75 LP
#42,066 Summoner Icon JarnychCzebać 8 13
75 LP
Platin IV
75 LP
#42,067 Summoner Icon Lil Morče 3 3
75 LP
Platin IV
75 LP
#42,068 Summoner Icon Ypox8onioz15 24 25
75 LP
Platin IV
75 LP
#42,070 Summoner Icon mentah 89 73
75 LP
Platin IV
75 LP
#42,071 Summoner Icon gosho62 37 41
75 LP
Platin IV
75 LP
#42,073 Summoner Icon Kleyardierteg 29 11
75 LP
Platin IV
75 LP
#42,074 Summoner Icon Cheesebread 16 12
75 LP
Platin IV
75 LP
#42,075 Summoner Icon Pauder 24 30
75 LP
Platin IV
75 LP