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Liderler AB İskandinav & Doğu

Derece Sihirdar Zaferler Bozgunlar Aşama / Küme Puan Şampiyonlar
#33,442 Summoner Icon theBaronFinger 341 340
57 LP
Platin III
57 LP Alistar
#33,446 Summoner Icon Nøckreg 22 18
57 LP
Platin III
57 LP Kha'Zix
#33,447 Summoner Icon V1RuS02 43 50
56 LP
Platin III
56 LP Pyke
#33,448 Summoner Icon Sir Jared Leto 88 90
56 LP
Platin III
56 LP
#33,451 Summoner Icon Alexbggg77 40 49
56 LP
Platin III
56 LP
#33,454 Summoner Icon PocwiczByku 10 9
56 LP
Platin III
56 LP
#33,455 Summoner Icon pucypucy 30 24
56 LP
Platin III
56 LP
#33,457 Summoner Icon Rainhart 310 324
56 LP
Platin III
56 LP
#33,458 Summoner Icon DreamTheRainbow 127 97
56 LP
Platin III
56 LP
#33,461 Summoner Icon Aluber of Despia 9 16
56 LP
Platin III
56 LP
#33,462 Summoner Icon lil sule 116 125
56 LP
Platin III
56 LP Jinx
#33,463 Summoner Icon vindykator 14 7
56 LP
Platin III
56 LP
#33,464 Summoner Icon EmoloaicaHunter 128 123
56 LP
Platin III
56 LP
#33,465 Summoner Icon xIvcho 45 39
56 LP
Platin III
56 LP Janna
#33,466 Summoner Icon PalatiCZ 10 12
56 LP
Platin III
56 LP
#33,468 Summoner Icon NeverSoberBoy 28 20
56 LP
Platin III
56 LP
#33,469 Summoner Icon aptekarz 6 12
56 LP
Platin III
56 LP
#33,470 Summoner Icon BlackAngelX 7 10
56 LP
Platin III
56 LP
#33,471 Summoner Icon PEtrO16 28 26
56 LP
Platin III
56 LP
#33,472 Summoner Icon BrokenBrainBB 45 43
56 LP
Platin III
56 LP Rumble Volibear