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Liderler Brezilya

Derece Sihirdar Zaferler Bozgunlar Aşama / Küme Puan Şampiyonlar
#3,502 Summoner Icon B4cK 8 4
56 LP
Platin IV
56 LP
#3,504 Summoner Icon Stagni 21 21
54 LP
Platin IV
54 LP
#3,505 Summoner Icon Kaique ツ 44 32
54 LP
Platin IV
54 LP Tristana
#3,507 Summoner Icon hiero 65 60
54 LP
Platin IV
54 LP Samira
#3,510 Summoner Icon BigJuice 11 24
53 LP
Platin IV
53 LP
#3,511 Summoner Icon vavazinholol 35 33
53 LP
Platin IV
53 LP
#3,514 Summoner Icon dars 你好 2 7
52 LP
Platin IV
52 LP
#3,515 Summoner Icon there he of sylv 13 5
52 LP
Platin IV
52 LP
#3,517 Summoner Icon Lady Eller 47 32
51 LP
Platin IV
51 LP
#3,520 Summoner Icon gaby 16 13
50 LP
Platin IV
50 LP
#3,521 Summoner Icon Wellwss 60 60
82 LP
Platin IV
82 LP
#3,522 Summoner Icon Homura Rengoku 24 23
50 LP
Platin IV
50 LP
#3,523 Summoner Icon Under Hïs Desk 9 9
49 LP
Platin IV
49 LP
#3,525 Summoner Icon Thrimos 16 12
47 LP
Platin IV
47 LP
#3,526 Summoner Icon TheBusiness 40 45
47 LP
Platin IV
47 LP
#3,527 Summoner Icon O Mago Rúnico 118 86
47 LP
Altın I
47 LP
#3,529 Summoner Icon 4KF0V 28 29
46 LP
Platin IV
46 LP
#3,531 Summoner Icon Eaglos 12 8
46 LP
Platin IV
46 LP
#3,533 Summoner Icon Bubblenap0306 12 25
45 LP
Platin IV
45 LP
#3,535 Summoner Icon Névoa 25 19
43 LP
Platin IV
43 LP Aurora