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Ранкед 5на5

EU West
07/15/2024 21:03 (2 месеци пре)
Game Duration: 1mins
Тим 1: Пораз
0 / 1 / 0
YSongU 0 / 1 / 0 None | Support
Lv 1 / 501G
0 CS | 0 0 0 Wards
Kill Participation: NAN%
Doran's Shield Health Potion Stealth Ward
LegendOfYayou 0 / 0 / 0 None | Support
Lv 1 / 501G
0 CS | 0 0 0 Wards
Kill Participation: NAN%
Scorchclaw Pup Health Potion Stealth Ward
davidemishu 0 / 0 / 0 None | Support
Lv 1 / 522G
1 CS | 0 1 0 Wards
Kill Participation: NAN%
Doran's Shield Health Potion Stealth Ward
ErazerHead 0 / 0 / 0 None | Support
Lv 1 / 501G
0 CS | 0 1 0 Wards
Kill Participation: NAN%
Doran's Blade Health Potion Stealth Ward
TheDemonSlayer5 0 / 0 / 0 None | Support
Lv 1 / 501G
0 CS | 0 0 0 Wards
Kill Participation: NAN%
Тим 2: Победа
1 / 0 / 2
Shorym 1 / 0 / 0 None | Support
Lv 1 / 901G
0 CS | 0 1 0 Wards
Kill Participation: 100%
Doran's Blade Stealth Ward
le green dad 0 / 0 / 1 None | Support
Lv 1 / 571G
0 CS | 0 0 0 Wards
Kill Participation: 100%
Gustwalker Hatchling Health Potion Stealth Ward
Cherite 0 / 0 / 1 None | Support
Lv 1 / 593G
2 CS | 0 0 0 Wards
Kill Participation: 100%
Doran's Ring Health Potion Stealth Ward
Lethoxis 0 / 0 / 0 None | Support
Lv 1 / 501G
0 CS | 0 0 0 Wards
Kill Participation: 0%
Tear of the Goddess Health Potion Stealth Ward
Ayayaa 0 / 0 / 0 None | Support
Lv 1 / 501G
0 CS | 0 0 0 Wards
Kill Participation: 0%
World Atlas Health Potion Stealth Ward
Sett YSongU
Shyvana LegendOfYayou
Perfect KDA!
Yone davidemishu
Perfect KDA!
Miss Fortune ErazerHead
Perfect KDA!
Rell TheDemonSlayer5
Perfect KDA!
Warwick Shorym
Perfect KDA!
Kindred le green dad
Perfect KDA!
Annie Cherite
Perfect KDA!
Smolder Lethoxis
Perfect KDA!
Braum Ayayaa
Perfect KDA!
Sett Shyvana Yone Miss Fortune Rell Warwick Kindred Annie Smolder Braum
Perfect KDA! KDA
0 Double Kills
0 Triple Kills
0 Quadra Kills
0 Penta Kills
Skill Order
Knuckle Down
Haymaker W
The Show Stopper
Doran's Shield Health Potion Stealth Ward
Perfect KDA! KDA
0 Double Kills
0 Triple Kills
0 Quadra Kills
0 Penta Kills
Skill Order
Twin Bite
Flame Breath E
Dragon's Descent
Scorchclaw Pup Health Potion Stealth Ward
Perfect KDA! KDA
0 Double Kills
0 Triple Kills
0 Quadra Kills
0 Penta Kills
Skill Order
Mortal Steel Q
Spirit Cleave
Soul Unbound
Fate Sealed
Doran's Blade Health Potion Doran's Shield Health Potion Stealth Ward
Perfect KDA! KDA
0 Double Kills
0 Triple Kills
0 Quadra Kills
0 Penta Kills
Skill Order
Double Up Q
Make It Rain
Bullet Time
Doran's Blade Health Potion Stealth Ward
Perfect KDA! KDA
0 Double Kills
0 Triple Kills
0 Quadra Kills
0 Penta Kills
Skill Order
Shattering Strike
Ferromancy: Crash Down
Full Tilt
Magnet Storm
Perfect KDA! KDA
0 Double Kills
0 Triple Kills
0 Quadra Kills
0 Penta Kills
Skill Order
Jaws of the Beast Q
Blood Hunt
Primal Howl
Infinite Duress
Doran's Blade Health Potion Stealth Ward
Perfect KDA! KDA
0 Double Kills
0 Triple Kills
0 Quadra Kills
0 Penta Kills
Skill Order
Dance of Arrows
Wolf's Frenzy W
Mounting Dread
Lamb's Respite
Gustwalker Hatchling Health Potion Stealth Ward
Perfect KDA! KDA
0 Double Kills
0 Triple Kills
0 Quadra Kills
0 Penta Kills
Skill Order
Incinerate W
Molten Shield
Summon: Tibbers
Doran's Ring Health Potion Health Potion Stealth Ward
Perfect KDA! KDA
0 Double Kills
0 Triple Kills
0 Quadra Kills
0 Penta Kills
Skill Order
Super Scorcher Breath Q
Flap, Flap, Flap
Tear of the Goddess Health Potion Health Potion Stealth Ward
Perfect KDA! KDA
0 Double Kills
0 Triple Kills
0 Quadra Kills
0 Penta Kills
Skill Order
Winter's Bite Q
Stand Behind Me
Glacial Fissure
Stealth Ward World Atlas Health Potion Health Potion
purchased Doran's Shield Health Potion Stealth Ward

purchased Scorchclaw Pup Health Potion Stealth Ward

purchased Doran's Blade Health Potion Doran's Shield Health Potion Stealth Ward

Miss Fortune
purchased Doran's Blade Health Potion Stealth Ward

ward placed Stealth Ward

purchased Doran's Blade Health Potion Stealth Ward

purchased Gustwalker Hatchling Health Potion Stealth Ward

purchased Doran's Ring Health Potion Health Potion Stealth Ward

purchased Tear of the Goddess Health Potion Health Potion Stealth Ward

purchased Stealth Ward World Atlas Health Potion Health Potion
