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Ранкед 5на5

EU Nordic & East
08/20/2024 14:57 (4 weeks пре)
Game Duration: 1mins
Тим 1: Победа
0 / 0 / 0
Avivpe 0 / 0 / 0 None | Support
Lv 1 / 500G
0 CS | 0 1 0 Wards
Kill Participation: NAN%
Doran's Ring Health Potion Stealth Ward
DAVIDSZEU 0 / 0 / 0 None | Support
Lv 1 / 500G
0 CS | 0 0 0 Wards
Kill Participation: NAN%
Doran's Ring Health Potion Stealth Ward
DrBastirin 0 / 0 / 0 None | Support
Lv 1 / 500G
0 CS | 0 1 0 Wards
Kill Participation: NAN%
Scorchclaw Pup Health Potion Stealth Ward
iskodiscoo 0 / 0 / 0 None | Support
Lv 1 / 500G
0 CS | 0 1 0 Wards
Kill Participation: NAN%
Doran's Blade Health Potion Stealth Ward
Ririka Chan 0 / 0 / 0 None | Support
Lv 1 / 500G
0 CS | 0 1 0 Wards
Kill Participation: NAN%
World Atlas Health Potion Stealth Ward
Тим 2: Пораз
0 / 0 / 0
UtachiUchiha 0 / 0 / 0 None | Support
Lv 1 / 500G
0 CS | 0 0 0 Wards
Kill Participation: NAN%
Doran's Shield Health Potion Stealth Ward
Cyd Kagenou 0 / 0 / 0 None | Support
Lv 1 / 500G
0 CS | 0 0 0 Wards
Kill Participation: NAN%
Scorchclaw Pup Health Potion Stealth Ward
Sw33p21 0 / 0 / 0 None | Support
Lv 1 / 500G
0 CS | 0 0 0 Wards
Kill Participation: NAN%
Dark Seal Refillable Potion Stealth Ward
miczupepi 0 / 0 / 0 None | Support
Lv 1 / 500G
0 CS | 0 0 0 Wards
Kill Participation: NAN%
0 / 0 / 0 None | Support
Lv 1 / 505G
0 CS | 0 1 0 Wards
Kill Participation: NAN%
World Atlas Health Potion Stealth Ward
Teemo Avivpe
Perfect KDA!
Perfect KDA!
Nunu & Willump DrBastirin
Perfect KDA!
Caitlyn iskodiscoo
Perfect KDA!
Seraphine Ririka Chan
Perfect KDA!
Ornn UtachiUchiha
Perfect KDA!
Kayn Cyd Kagenou
Perfect KDA!
Katarina Sw33p21
Perfect KDA!
Zeri miczupepi
Perfect KDA!
Perfect KDA!
Teemo Malzahar Nunu & Willump Caitlyn Seraphine Ornn Kayn Katarina Zeri Lux
Perfect KDA! KDA
0 Double Kills
0 Triple Kills
0 Quadra Kills
0 Penta Kills
Skill Order
Blinding Dart
Move Quick
Toxic Shot E
Noxious Trap
Doran's Ring Health Potion Health Potion
Perfect KDA! KDA
0 Double Kills
0 Triple Kills
0 Quadra Kills
0 Penta Kills
Skill Order
Call of the Void
Void Swarm
Malefic Visions E
Nether Grasp
Doran's Ring Health Potion Health Potion
Perfect KDA! KDA
0 Double Kills
0 Triple Kills
0 Quadra Kills
0 Penta Kills
Skill Order
Consume Q
Biggest Snowball Ever!
Snowball Barrage
Absolute Zero
Scorchclaw Pup Health Potion Stealth Ward
Perfect KDA! KDA
0 Double Kills
0 Triple Kills
0 Quadra Kills
0 Penta Kills
Skill Order
Piltover Peacemaker Q
Yordle Snap Trap
90 Caliber Net
Ace in the Hole
Doran's Blade Health Potion
Perfect KDA! KDA
0 Double Kills
0 Triple Kills
0 Quadra Kills
0 Penta Kills
Skill Order
High Note
Surround Sound
Beat Drop E
World Atlas Health Potion Health Potion
Perfect KDA! KDA
0 Double Kills
0 Triple Kills
0 Quadra Kills
0 Penta Kills
Skill Order
Volcanic Rupture Q
Bellows Breath
Searing Charge
Call of the Forge God
Doran's Shield Health Potion
Perfect KDA! KDA
0 Double Kills
0 Triple Kills
0 Quadra Kills
0 Penta Kills
Skill Order
Reaping Slash Q
Blade's Reach
Shadow Step
Umbral Trespass
Scorchclaw Pup Health Potion Stealth Ward
Perfect KDA! KDA
0 Double Kills
0 Triple Kills
0 Quadra Kills
0 Penta Kills
Skill Order
Bouncing Blade Q
Death Lotus
Dark Seal Refillable Potion Oracle Lens Stealth Ward
Perfect KDA! KDA
0 Double Kills
0 Triple Kills
0 Quadra Kills
0 Penta Kills
Skill Order
Burst Fire
Ultrashock Laser
Spark Surge
Lightning Crash
Perfect KDA! KDA
0 Double Kills
0 Triple Kills
0 Quadra Kills
0 Penta Kills
Skill Order
Light Binding
Prismatic Barrier
Lucent Singularity E
Final Spark
World Atlas Health Potion Health Potion Stealth Ward
purchased Doran's Ring Health Potion Health Potion

ward placed Stealth Ward

purchased Doran's Ring Health Potion Health Potion

Nunu & Willump
purchased Scorchclaw Pup Health Potion Stealth Ward

ward placed Stealth Ward

purchased Doran's Blade Health Potion

purchased World Atlas Health Potion Health Potion

ward placed Stealth Ward

purchased Doran's Shield Health Potion

purchased Scorchclaw Pup Health Potion Stealth Ward

purchased Dark Seal Refillable Potion Oracle Lens Stealth Ward

purchased World Atlas Health Potion Health Potion Stealth Ward

ward placed Stealth Ward
