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Табела Republic of Korea

Ранг Играч Победе Изгубљене Tier / Division Бодови Хероји
#2,661 Summoner Icon Loot 56 68
42 LP
Diamond II
42 LP
#2,663 Summoner Icon 잘하려고함 36 57
42 LP
Diamond II
42 LP
#2,665 Summoner Icon 홍대 전전 창창창 118 107
40 LP
Diamond II
40 LP Varus
#2,667 Summoner Icon 0010010101100101 59 27
38 LP
Diamond II
38 LP
#2,671 Summoner Icon 아무것도 하기가 싫다 51 43
25 LP
Diamond I
25 LP
#2,673 Summoner Icon スフえO 99 97
37 LP
Diamond II
37 LP
#2,674 Summoner Icon 팀원과 오순도순 92 95
41 LP
Diamond IV
41 LP
#2,675 Summoner Icon 이히히히히히힛 10 4
36 LP
Diamond II
36 LP
#2,676 Summoner Icon 조관우급 늪 설치 65 53
571 LP
Master I
571 LP Cassiopeia
#2,677 Summoner Icon Dream 72 72
82 LP
Diamond III
82 LP
#2,678 Summoner Icon 하도근 12 11
35 LP
Diamond II
35 LP
#2,679 Summoner Icon 금 붕 어 70 62
19 LP
Diamond II
19 LP
#2,680 Summoner Icon sdawxl 13 12
35 LP
Diamond II
35 LP
#2,681 Summoner Icon 정상에오를때까지 59 46
30 LP
Diamond I
30 LP
#2,683 Summoner Icon 역삼동 김오공 68 81
49 LP
Diamond III
49 LP
#2,685 Summoner Icon 기분나쁘면오픈함 47 29
32 LP
Diamond II
32 LP Maokai
#2,686 Summoner Icon 아펠 하면 오픈 9 2
32 LP
Diamond II
32 LP Zoe
#2,688 Summoner Icon 내일은뭘먹을까 86 38
170 LP
Master I
170 LP Anivia Janna Vel'Koz
#2,689 Summoner Icon Izio 15 9
31 LP
Diamond II
31 LP
#2,690 Summoner Icon 愚公移山 16 24
30 LP
Diamond II
30 LP