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Табела EU West

Ранг Играч Победе Изгубљене Tier / Division Бодови Хероји
#70,101 Summoner Icon PENSIONER1 10 17
5 LP
Platinum IV
5 LP
#70,102 Summoner Icon Hemsk person 4 3
5 LP
Platinum IV
5 LP
#70,103 Summoner Icon Cacarritos 135 130
5 LP
Platinum IV
5 LP
#70,104 Summoner Icon Mixiuka 5 5
5 LP
Platinum IV
5 LP
#70,105 Summoner Icon Federai 0143 12 15
5 LP
Platinum IV
5 LP
#70,110 Summoner Icon Sh00ked 5 7
5 LP
Platinum IV
5 LP
#70,114 Summoner Icon CatWomanMe0w 2 3
5 LP
Platinum IV
5 LP
#70,116 Summoner Icon the real honai 12 19
5 LP
Platinum IV
5 LP
#70,118 Summoner Icon zakashi 7 8
5 LP
Platinum IV
5 LP
#70,119 Summoner Icon hijacker02 25 18
5 LP
Platinum IV
5 LP
#70,123 Summoner Icon BluEyesWhiteDank 33 38
42 LP
Platinum IV
42 LP
#70,124 Summoner Icon commanderkonan 96 85
5 LP
Platinum IV
5 LP
#70,126 Summoner Icon bwaa 93 83
5 LP
Platinum IV
5 LP Vayne Akshan
#70,129 Summoner Icon Stecat 26 17
5 LP
Platinum IV
5 LP
#70,130 Summoner Icon SLEEP T0KEN 23 27
5 LP
Platinum IV
5 LP Miss Fortune
#70,132 Summoner Icon Edol 4 3
5 LP
Platinum IV
5 LP
#70,138 Summoner Icon waveys 4 1
5 LP
Platinum IV
5 LP
#70,139 Summoner Icon ZeroPinks 9 1
5 LP
Platinum IV
5 LP
#70,140 Summoner Icon justwantkatarina 2 4
5 LP
Platinum IV
5 LP
#70,141 Summoner Icon Fabe 16 16
5 LP
Platinum IV
5 LP