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Табела EU Nordic & East

Ранг Играч Победе Изгубљене Tier / Division Бодови Хероји
#11,582 Summoner Icon Feral Raccoon 31 50
77 LP
Platinum IV
77 LP
#11,583 Summoner Icon xXiordanis23Xx 57 31
4 LP
Emerald III
4 LP Lissandra Garen
#11,584 Summoner Icon Audi R8 5600cc 101 95
75 LP
Platinum I
75 LP
#11,585 Summoner Icon Hejka 19 23
0 LP
Platinum IV
0 LP Lee Sin
#11,586 Summoner Icon palcuj riť 48 33
77 LP
Platinum IV
77 LP
#11,587 Summoner Icon IWiIISayNi 39 25
77 LP
Platinum IV
77 LP
#11,588 Summoner Icon Skinny Adham 162 155
77 LP
Platinum IV
77 LP
#11,589 Summoner Icon Morgana Freeman 6 11
77 LP
Platinum IV
77 LP Zyra
#11,591 Summoner Icon Radi57Ninja 77 88
21 LP
Platinum II
21 LP Tristana
#11,592 Summoner Icon Οργισμένος Έλλην 21 19
77 LP
Platinum IV
77 LP Shen
#11,593 Summoner Icon bityli 21 21
77 LP
Platinum IV
77 LP
#11,594 Summoner Icon Egirl Chipp 45 39
75 LP
Platinum IV
75 LP
#11,595 Summoner Icon KacperWEED 22 26
77 LP
Platinum IV
77 LP
#11,596 Summoner Icon WIKING 9 6
77 LP
Platinum IV
77 LP
#11,597 Summoner Icon Topór z Wylewem 32 14
45 LP
Emerald II
45 LP Twisted Fate Pantheon
#11,598 Summoner Icon EcoFriendlyFart 33 44
77 LP
Platinum IV
77 LP Seraphine Janna
#11,599 Summoner Icon Kele 56 53
76 LP
Platinum IV
76 LP
#11,601 Summoner Icon The Prophet 30 28
76 LP
Platinum IV
76 LP
#11,602 Summoner Icon LIGA PO BUTLI 1 4
76 LP
Platinum IV
76 LP
#11,604 Summoner Icon JusticeForGeorge 15 9
76 LP
Platinum IV
76 LP