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Табела EU Nordic & East

Ранг Играч Победе Изгубљене Tier / Division Бодови Хероји
#7,321 Summoner Icon Lord Farqad 41 45
7 LP
Platinum IV
7 LP
#7,322 Summoner Icon ikiel 27 27
7 LP
Platinum IV
7 LP Braum Zyra Malphite Miss Fortune Pyke
#7,323 Summoner Icon Edis139 23 32
7 LP
Platinum IV
7 LP
#7,324 Summoner Icon karimarii123 8 7
7 LP
Platinum IV
7 LP
#7,325 Summoner Icon NoTeVeNcLoSe 39 20
7 LP
Platinum IV
7 LP
#7,326 Summoner Icon JOHN CARTER 18 23
7 LP
Platinum IV
7 LP
#7,327 Summoner Icon ΓΑΤΟΠΑΡΔΟΣ 61 49
7 LP
Platinum IV
7 LP Zoe
#7,328 Summoner Icon Aleksa32109 68 61
7 LP
Platinum IV
7 LP Yasuo Veigar Viego
#7,329 Summoner Icon Mitra26 32 16
7 LP
Platinum IV
7 LP Amumu Jinx
#7,330 Summoner Icon luxnostris 14 10
7 LP
Platinum IV
7 LP Teemo Yone
#7,331 Summoner Icon Pandowski13 31 15
7 LP
Platinum IV
7 LP Jinx Varus Miss Fortune Twitch Ambessa
#7,332 Summoner Icon Benonelu 21 13
7 LP
Platinum IV
7 LP
#7,333 Summoner Icon Fututorum 19 18
7 LP
Platinum IV
7 LP Katarina
#7,334 Summoner Icon KingCrab1283 33 25
10 LP
Platinum III
10 LP
#7,335 Summoner Icon sanducan 26 16
6 LP
Platinum IV
6 LP Mordekaiser Olaf Nasus Sion Gwen
#7,336 Summoner Icon BlazieYTB 27 24
6 LP
Platinum IV
6 LP Yasuo
#7,337 Summoner Icon matthewMVP 9 4
6 LP
Platinum IV
6 LP Diana Gwen Viego
#7,338 Summoner Icon The Profesror 21 11
6 LP
Platinum IV
6 LP
#7,339 Summoner Icon BulawOwReal0ne 61 68
6 LP
Platinum IV
6 LP Sion
#7,340 Summoner Icon LC4 9 4
6 LP
Platinum IV
6 LP