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Clasificare EU Nordic & East

Rang Summoner Victorii Pierderi Nivelul / Divizia puncte Campioni
#4,522 Summoner Icon ADC ROLE XD 91 87
32 LP
Diamant IV
32 LP Shaco
#4,524 Summoner Icon Helski 7 6
32 LP
Diamant IV
32 LP
#4,525 Summoner Icon SlowLee 46 52
49 LP
Diamant IV
49 LP
#4,526 Summoner Icon ShiFu G3na 160 164
70 LP
Smarald II
70 LP Shen Riven
#4,527 Summoner Icon lazi22 11 8
31 LP
Diamant IV
31 LP
#4,528 Summoner Icon brisingr147147v5 75 49
31 LP
Diamant IV
31 LP Tahm Kench Bard
#4,529 Summoner Icon Cr1tikaL 176 155
8 LP
Diamant II
8 LP Sett Mordekaiser Swain Aatrox
#4,531 Summoner Icon Welton 91 74
31 LP
Diamant IV
31 LP Kennen Quinn Miss Fortune
#4,534 Summoner Icon Melon12344321 44 36
31 LP
Diamant IV
31 LP
#4,535 Summoner Icon Sith Lord Anakin 11 10
11 LP
Diamant IV
11 LP
#4,536 Summoner Icon Wefan 26 31
88 LP
Diamant IV
88 LP Jhin
#4,537 Summoner Icon ziomson pl 66 62
26 LP
Diamant II
26 LP Twitch
#4,538 Summoner Icon Amitke 21 17
31 LP
Diamant IV
31 LP Jinx
#4,539 Summoner Icon NovakDjokoviccc 11 17
31 LP
Diamant IV
31 LP
#4,541 Summoner Icon Bøxi 43 46
31 LP
Diamant IV
31 LP
#4,542 Summoner Icon Micica 93 96
31 LP
Diamant IV
31 LP
#4,543 Summoner Icon NoFunFidzi 14 19
79 LP
Diamant III
79 LP
#4,544 Summoner Icon Kate Moss 8 10
30 LP
Diamant IV
30 LP
#4,545 Summoner Icon Viruss7 32 35
30 LP
Diamant IV
30 LP
#4,547 Summoner Icon ghost of you 69 81
0 LP
Diamant IV
0 LP