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Tablas de clasificación Europa Norte y Este

Rango Invocador Victorias Derrotas Nivel / División Puntos Campeones
#4,524 Summoner Icon Helski 7 6
32 LP
Diamante IV
32 LP
#4,525 Summoner Icon SlowLee 43 50
32 LP
Diamante IV
32 LP
#4,526 Summoner Icon ShiFu G3na 85 82
31 LP
Diamante IV
31 LP Riven Shen
#4,529 Summoner Icon Cr1tikaL 77 64
31 LP
Diamante IV
31 LP
#4,534 Summoner Icon Melon12344321 44 36
31 LP
Diamante IV
31 LP
#4,535 Summoner Icon Sith Lord Anakin 11 8
31 LP
Diamante IV
31 LP
#4,537 Summoner Icon Gambler 66 62
26 LP
Diamante II
26 LP Twitch
#4,538 Summoner Icon Amitke 21 17
31 LP
Diamante IV
31 LP Jinx
#4,542 Summoner Icon Micica 93 96
31 LP
Diamante IV
31 LP
#4,543 Summoner Icon NoFunFidzi 6 10
30 LP
Diamante IV
30 LP
#4,544 Summoner Icon Kate Moss 8 10
30 LP
Diamante IV
30 LP
#4,547 Summoner Icon ghost of you 69 81
0 LP
Diamante IV
0 LP
#4,550 Summoner Icon lila ember 9 12
30 LP
Diamante IV
30 LP
#4,554 Summoner Icon METÄSTÄJÄ MAKE 23 20
30 LP
Diamante IV
30 LP Hecarim
#4,555 Summoner Icon The Goat 6 5
30 LP
Diamante IV
30 LP
#4,556 Summoner Icon Quiero matarme 22 22
81 LP
Diamante IV
81 LP
#4,557 Summoner Icon REEEEEEEEEEEEEEZ 5 10
30 LP
Diamante IV
30 LP
#4,558 Summoner Icon Fulis on Top 3 4
30 LP
Diamante IV
30 LP
#4,559 Summoner Icon EucalyptusMentol 81 88
30 LP
Diamante IV
30 LP
#4,560 Summoner Icon Honzík Palach 12 21
30 LP
Diamante IV
30 LP