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Líderes Peru

Rank Invocador Vitórias Derrotas Liga / Divisão Pontos Campeões
#6,965 Summoner Icon Gigi Hadid 11 9
5 LP
Diamante I
5 LP
#6,973 Summoner Icon Rumen 5 11
65 LP
Esmeralda II
65 LP
#6,978 Summoner Icon natediaz209 33 22
3 LP
Diamante I
3 LP
#6,990 Summoner Icon İlkaan 106 100
0 LP
Diamante I
0 LP
#6,995 Summoner Icon krister123 19 18
99 LP
Diamante II
99 LP
#7,002 Summoner Icon Sirzat 120 98
99 LP
Diamante II
99 LP
#7,004 Summoner Icon Frappe 75 80
98 LP
Diamante II
98 LP Samira
#7,014 Summoner Icon Colt 85 85
96 LP
Diamante II
96 LP Syndra
#7,019 Summoner Icon Mageykon 45 52
96 LP
Diamante II
96 LP Jhin
#7,020 Summoner Icon Kelebek Ekrem 42 55
32 LP
Diamante III
32 LP Graves Jhin Ornn Viego Kha'Zix
#7,027 Summoner Icon virtioso 38 38
93 LP
Diamante II
93 LP
#7,028 Summoner Icon Uncle Drew 94 95
93 LP
Diamante II
93 LP Yasuo
#7,034 Summoner Icon Confessor 30 29
91 LP
Diamante II
91 LP Milio Lulu
#7,053 Summoner Icon Lulu And Pix 150 128
87 LP
Diamante II
87 LP
#7,061 Summoner Icon Litos 19 17
86 LP
Diamante II
86 LP
#7,062 Summoner Icon Sargol 50 53
86 LP
Diamante II
86 LP Nasus Aatrox
#7,071 Summoner Icon PyKinG 129 140
43 LP
Diamante II
43 LP
#7,093 Summoner Icon kacma kücük kız 112 110
78 LP
Diamante II
78 LP Ezreal
#7,094 Summoner Icon ORNİTORENK EMİR 29 28
54 LP
Diamante I
54 LP
#7,095 Summoner Icon B Frec 7 8
77 LP
Diamante II
77 LP Poppy