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Líderes Peru

Rank Invocador Vitórias Derrotas Liga / Divisão Pontos Campeões
#42,123 Summoner Icon HainDost 4 8
64 LP
Prata IV
64 LP Volibear
#42,125 Summoner Icon Brand Pıtt 119 130
64 LP
Prata IV
64 LP Irelia Smolder
#42,127 Summoner Icon The Destructive 43 38
64 LP
Prata IV
64 LP Jinx
#42,129 Summoner Icon NAMIK HİKMET 10 5
64 LP
Prata IV
64 LP
#42,133 Summoner Icon abuxer 63 59
64 LP
Prata IV
64 LP Ekko
#42,137 Summoner Icon Delphox 5 6
63 LP
Prata IV
63 LP Nami
#42,139 Summoner Icon BAD PLAYER 18 14
63 LP
Prata IV
63 LP Rammus Amumu
#42,141 Summoner Icon bky 33 45
63 LP
Prata IV
63 LP
#42,146 Summoner Icon Yoo Joonghyuk 9 7
63 LP
Prata IV
63 LP
#42,147 Summoner Icon GINALI 45 46
63 LP
Prata IV
63 LP
#42,150 Summoner Icon bulguryienasgore 6 7
63 LP
Prata IV
63 LP
#42,155 Summoner Icon Chudlavica 19 26
63 LP
Prata IV
63 LP
#42,156 Summoner Icon alp 22 29
63 LP
Prata IV
63 LP Kalista
#42,168 Summoner Icon Visce 2 12
63 LP
Prata IV
63 LP
#42,173 Summoner Icon Mal 70 61
25 LP
Prata III
25 LP Lillia Mordekaiser Akali
#42,178 Summoner Icon CaptaınDarkBlack 97 95
63 LP
Prata IV
63 LP
#42,179 Summoner Icon Yuskan 4 4
63 LP
Prata IV
63 LP
#42,194 Summoner Icon R3D 37 48
62 LP
Prata IV
62 LP
#42,195 Summoner Icon SetTheBoss 27 24
62 LP
Prata IV
62 LP Janna
#42,202 Summoner Icon Syro 31 23
62 LP
Prata IV
62 LP Pyke Miss Fortune Ezreal