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© 2014-2025 LoLProfile. LoLProfile Isn't Endorsed By Riot Games And Its Affiliates.



Líderes Oceânia

Rank Invocador Vitórias Derrotas Liga / Divisão Pontos Campeões
#82 Summoner Icon Gello 28 18
62 LP
Diamante I
62 LP
#84 Summoner Icon The King is Back 62 45
56 LP
Diamante I
56 LP
#86 Summoner Icon 幫我贏得車道 69 49
38 LP
Diamante I
38 LP
#87 Summoner Icon 别他妈控我线了 36 22
41 LP
Diamante I
41 LP
#89 Summoner Icon SC2Detour 45 55
38 LP
Diamante I
38 LP
#90 Summoner Icon Park Bom 48 35
38 LP
Diamante I
38 LP
#91 Summoner Icon Shinki 17 16
36 LP
Diamante I
36 LP
#92 Summoner Icon Yuumis Fishy 61 51
34 LP
Diamante I
34 LP
#93 Summoner Icon skellyy 36 23
31 LP
Diamante I
31 LP
#94 Summoner Icon VΣÑØM 40 27
30 LP
Diamante I
30 LP
#95 Summoner Icon DJ Cambodia 54 62
23 LP
Diamante I
23 LP
#96 Summoner Icon Elyzia 89 87
20 LP
Diamante I
20 LP
#97 Summoner Icon 天蝎座 67 86
36 LP
Diamante II
36 LP
#99 Summoner Icon XXHFV338338 50 63
17 LP
Diamante I
17 LP
#100 Summoner Icon 宇宙天篷下警惕的谷仓 25 18
10 LP
Diamante I
10 LP
#101 Summoner Icon relur 84 71
9 LP
Diamante I
9 LP
#102 Summoner Icon Aetherios 17 16
3 LP
Diamante I
3 LP
#103 Summoner Icon Craven 52 68
3 LP
Diamante I
3 LP
#104 Summoner Icon Certh 46 32
97 LP
Diamante II
97 LP
#105 Summoner Icon Ortomnia 33 34
94 LP
Diamante II
94 LP