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Líderes América do Norte

Rank Invocador Vitórias Derrotas Liga / Divisão Pontos Campeões
#1,121 Summoner Icon Mochi 20 16
89 LP
Diamante I
89 LP
#1,122 Summoner Icon えんてぃ 88 103
88 LP
Diamante I
88 LP Poppy
#1,123 Summoner Icon lyhea 21 22
82 LP
Diamante I
82 LP Ezreal Gragas Ahri Varus Mel
#1,124 Summoner Icon IS THAT FEEDABOI 19 3
81 LP
Diamante I
81 LP
#1,125 Summoner Icon GAWK GAWK MONSTA 167 184
35 LP
Diamante II
35 LP Katarina Zyra Yuumi
#1,127 Summoner Icon 31 24
78 LP
Diamante I
78 LP Sejuani
#1,129 Summoner Icon WazookeeBomb 51 32
76 LP
Diamante I
76 LP
#1,130 Summoner Icon Hicoit 102 77
37 LP
Diamante I
37 LP Annie Ekko
#1,131 Summoner Icon mango juul pod 35 27
76 LP
Diamante I
76 LP
#1,132 Summoner Icon Paklaiton 42 51
75 LP
Diamante I
75 LP
#1,133 Summoner Icon Thousand Cuts 57 60
166 LP
Dominar I
166 LP
#1,134 Summoner Icon ViNamCoffee 57 54
75 LP
Diamante I
75 LP Karma
#1,134 Summoner Icon Rakan And Morty 8 4
48 LP
Esmeralda IV
48 LP
#1,135 Summoner Icon Mouxou 45 45
63 LP
Diamante I
63 LP
#1,136 Summoner Icon Patient 26 32
75 LP
Diamante I
75 LP Lulu Fiddlesticks
#1,137 Summoner Icon TTV Tempest 29 16
75 LP
Diamante I
75 LP
#1,139 Summoner Icon Ryoad 43 56
75 LP
Diamante I
75 LP Talon Vayne Kai'Sa Taliyah
#1,140 Summoner Icon cordial 61 69
2 LP
Dominar I
2 LP Vex
#1,141 Summoner Icon Perdere 53 47
75 LP
Diamante I
75 LP
#1,142 Summoner Icon TTV Muwasame 38 36
63 LP
Diamante I
63 LP