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Líderes América do Norte

Rank Invocador Vitórias Derrotas Liga / Divisão Pontos Campeões
#2,301 Summoner Icon AllusleepTTV 4 11
0 LP
Diamante IV
0 LP Talon
#2,302 Summoner Icon Zzeman 55 64
0 LP
Diamante IV
0 LP
#2,303 Summoner Icon Gobleeto 2 5
0 LP
Diamante IV
0 LP
#2,304 Summoner Icon Algebra2Calculus 5 5
0 LP
Diamante IV
0 LP
#2,306 Summoner Icon Kamihate 25 21
11 LP
Diamante III
11 LP
#2,307 Summoner Icon Goblin Slayer 9 14
0 LP
Diamante IV
0 LP
#2,308 Summoner Icon Tsar Dylan 78 63
0 LP
Diamante IV
0 LP Yuumi Karma Nautilus
#2,309 Summoner Icon Porrickallan 17 8
0 LP
Diamante IV
0 LP Graves
#2,311 Summoner Icon David Park 72 85
26 LP
Esmeralda II
26 LP Kayn
#2,312 Summoner Icon klash of klans 70 86
0 LP
Diamante IV
0 LP
#2,314 Summoner Icon CrazFight 34 41
0 LP
Diamante IV
0 LP
#2,317 Summoner Icon Vexy 5 12
0 LP
Diamante IV
0 LP
#2,318 Summoner Icon Sourke 52 62
0 LP
Diamante IV
0 LP Evelynn
#2,321 Summoner Icon Qiyana 91 84
0 LP
Diamante IV
0 LP
#2,324 Summoner Icon Napoleon 136 128
0 LP
Diamante IV
0 LP
#2,326 Summoner Icon iwnl 4 10
0 LP
Diamante IV
0 LP
#2,327 Summoner Icon Hyco 38 46
0 LP
Diamante IV
0 LP Ezreal
#2,328 Summoner Icon Grufrawr 31 22
0 LP
Diamante IV
0 LP Zac
#2,329 Summoner Icon CupDFS 20 41
0 LP
Diamante IV
0 LP Gwen Nasus
#2,330 Summoner Icon ingydar 26 22
0 LP
Diamante IV
0 LP