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Líderes América Latina Sul

Rank Invocador Vitórias Derrotas Liga / Divisão Pontos Campeões
#13,061 Summoner Icon JuanVitto 5 4
42 LP
Prata IV
42 LP
#13,062 Summoner Icon Rapmonster55 11 20
42 LP
Prata IV
42 LP
#13,063 Summoner Icon DóNdiabloO 3 6
42 LP
Prata IV
42 LP
#13,064 Summoner Icon brebrokbron 31 26
42 LP
Prata IV
42 LP
#13,065 Summoner Icon regalladies00 5 4
42 LP
Prata IV
42 LP
#13,066 Summoner Icon IShaloop 7 9
42 LP
Prata IV
42 LP
#13,068 Summoner Icon Ledern 7 9
41 LP
Prata IV
41 LP
#13,069 Summoner Icon Eldest 7 3
41 LP
Prata IV
41 LP
#13,070 Summoner Icon Unkcito 5 11
41 LP
Prata IV
41 LP
#13,071 Summoner Icon SangSungWhait 13 11
41 LP
Prata IV
41 LP
#13,073 Summoner Icon iv4nnn 11 13
41 LP
Prata IV
41 LP
#13,074 Summoner Icon PecoDj 76 67
41 LP
Prata IV
41 LP Mel
#13,076 Summoner Icon SLC Karaska 15 14
41 LP
Prata IV
41 LP Akali
#13,077 Summoner Icon vendedorsdeleña 41 45
5 LP
Bronze I
5 LP
#13,078 Summoner Icon elluigi 2 3
40 LP
Prata IV
40 LP
#13,079 Summoner Icon OnerMaker 2 3
40 LP
Prata IV
40 LP
#13,080 Summoner Icon ITACHI2kx 31 30
40 LP
Prata IV
40 LP Jhin
#13,081 Summoner Icon claudio 13 5
40 LP
Prata IV
40 LP
#13,082 Summoner Icon I Dont Have KDS 2 3
40 LP
Prata IV
40 LP
#13,084 Summoner Icon Santi 2 3
40 LP
Prata IV
40 LP