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Líderes América Latina do Norte

Rank Invocador Vitórias Derrotas Liga / Divisão Pontos Campeões
#8,841 Summoner Icon 777rocky777 69 65
55 LP
Prata IV
55 LP Yorick
#8,844 Summoner Icon DDR31416 18 24
28 LP
Prata IV
28 LP
#8,845 Summoner Icon Serverus 6 5
68 LP
Prata IV
68 LP
#8,849 Summoner Icon Macolt 29 37
67 LP
Prata IV
67 LP Nocturne
#8,850 Summoner Icon SylasTiteado 40 37
54 LP
Prata IV
54 LP
#8,851 Summoner Icon Wørf 20 18
57 LP
Prata I
57 LP
#8,852 Summoner Icon DGN SIRIUS 26 28
75 LP
Prata IV
75 LP
#8,857 Summoner Icon Liam Gabriel 26 31
50 LP
Prata IV
50 LP
#8,861 Summoner Icon suakez 14 24
52 LP
Prata IV
52 LP
#8,862 Summoner Icon Kempsiho Lechozo 24 23
52 LP
Prata IV
52 LP
#8,865 Summoner Icon AloFHS 115 97
89 LP
Prata I
89 LP
#8,867 Summoner Icon YahirFiMe 26 22
51 LP
Prata IV
51 LP
#8,869 Summoner Icon NF DosMilDePan 7 3
41 LP
Prata III
41 LP
#8,874 Summoner Icon Señor K 3 4
51 LP
Prata IV
51 LP
#8,875 Summoner Icon alchisxD 6 4
91 LP
Prata IV
91 LP
#8,877 Summoner Icon The Factor Miedo 26 35
39 LP
Prata IV
39 LP
#8,878 Summoner Icon miguelan123 18 10
50 LP
Prata IV
50 LP
#8,884 Summoner Icon KIDDGUARD 44 34
50 LP
Prata IV
50 LP
#8,885 Summoner Icon WebosMaster 27 24
80 LP
Prata III
80 LP
#8,887 Summoner Icon annunnaki1289 9 7
50 LP
Prata IV
50 LP