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Líderes Oeste da UE

Rank Invocador Vitórias Derrotas Liga / Divisão Pontos Campeões
#193,282 Summoner Icon Kayl999 24 29
50 LP
Prata IV
50 LP
#193,283 Summoner Icon Indio Cabreao 11 11
50 LP
Prata IV
50 LP
#193,284 Summoner Icon Cœficientofkebab 44 49
50 LP
Prata IV
50 LP
#193,285 Summoner Icon axxl95 105 108
50 LP
Prata IV
50 LP Vayne
#193,287 Summoner Icon The Redux 11 7
50 LP
Prata IV
50 LP
#193,288 Summoner Icon yxa321 25 30
50 LP
Prata IV
50 LP
#193,289 Summoner Icon Portt 21 20
50 LP
Prata IV
50 LP
#193,291 Summoner Icon ItsDarkhajjZ 8 15
50 LP
Prata IV
50 LP Smolder
#193,296 Summoner Icon Tarkent 58 62
50 LP
Prata IV
50 LP
#193,297 Summoner Icon Delivery Man 14 17
50 LP
Prata IV
50 LP
#193,298 Summoner Icon MRshlong 166 162
50 LP
Prata IV
50 LP
#193,299 Summoner Icon Carex1825 91 90
50 LP
Prata IV
50 LP
#193,300 Summoner Icon XXmiaAKALIfa 52 49
50 LP
Prata IV
50 LP K'Sante
#193,302 Summoner Icon potacsio 22 22
50 LP
Prata IV
50 LP
#193,303 Summoner Icon temmi333 22 20
50 LP
Prata IV
50 LP
#193,310 Summoner Icon Er1kTV 47 29
50 LP
Prata IV
50 LP
#193,311 Summoner Icon Jhin Tőnic 6 14
50 LP
Prata IV
50 LP
#193,312 Summoner Icon KS Toni 2 7
50 LP
Prata IV
50 LP
#193,313 Summoner Icon JJ90AL 15 18
50 LP
Prata IV
50 LP
#193,315 Summoner Icon blind monk bonk 19 20
50 LP
Prata IV
50 LP