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Líderes Oeste da UE

Rank Invocador Vitórias Derrotas Liga / Divisão Pontos Campeões
#190,421 Summoner Icon Dυ huaηsφhη 77 89
63 LP
Prata IV
63 LP Miss Fortune Varus
#190,422 Summoner Icon IronMad 49 39
63 LP
Prata IV
63 LP
#190,423 Summoner Icon HangMuun 36 39
63 LP
Prata IV
63 LP
#190,426 Summoner Icon thelastofheuss 40 46
63 LP
Prata IV
63 LP
#190,427 Summoner Icon Soosmon69 45 46
63 LP
Prata IV
63 LP
#190,433 Summoner Icon RepoAssist 8 5
63 LP
Prata IV
63 LP
#190,437 Summoner Icon Schweinereiter88 13 12
63 LP
Prata IV
63 LP
#190,441 Summoner Icon Zaturax 64 73
63 LP
Prata IV
63 LP
#190,444 Summoner Icon AZZZZZZ 23 24
63 LP
Prata IV
63 LP Renekton
#190,453 Summoner Icon EmeCheetah 22 18
63 LP
Prata IV
63 LP
#190,455 Summoner Icon sprigx 71 63
63 LP
Prata IV
63 LP
#190,464 Summoner Icon mauu68 21 12
63 LP
Prata IV
63 LP
#190,466 Summoner Icon her favorite 31 45
63 LP
Prata IV
63 LP
#190,467 Summoner Icon Mâster of Shadow 43 45
63 LP
Prata IV
63 LP
#190,468 Summoner Icon Red2n 117 99
63 LP
Prata IV
63 LP
#190,472 Summoner Icon SMK IsKu 104 106
63 LP
Prata IV
63 LP
#190,474 Summoner Icon xXTheJokerXx 37 25
63 LP
Prata IV
63 LP
#190,477 Summoner Icon Lumel2High 61 54
63 LP
Prata IV
63 LP
#190,479 Summoner Icon Loripao 11 4
63 LP
Prata IV
63 LP
#190,480 Summoner Icon FUBBEEE 10 10
63 LP
Prata IV
63 LP