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Líderes Oeste da UE

Rank Invocador Vitórias Derrotas Liga / Divisão Pontos Campeões
#186,582 Summoner Icon Star Platinum 27 28
81 LP
Prata IV
81 LP
#186,583 Summoner Icon Ashikaka 81 77
81 LP
Prata IV
81 LP
#186,585 Summoner Icon psycosquash 32 40
81 LP
Prata IV
81 LP
#186,587 Summoner Icon The Black Mask 94 96
81 LP
Prata IV
81 LP Tristana
#186,588 Summoner Icon Kynesse 29 21
81 LP
Prata IV
81 LP
#186,590 Summoner Icon f33t enjoyer 16 13
81 LP
Prata IV
81 LP
#186,591 Summoner Icon xX8nDre8sXx 16 16
81 LP
Prata IV
81 LP
#186,592 Summoner Icon Shoki Sama 60 62
81 LP
Prata IV
81 LP
#186,595 Summoner Icon xXMIII 12 19
81 LP
Prata IV
81 LP
#186,598 Summoner Icon jox09 123 129
81 LP
Prata IV
81 LP
#186,605 Summoner Icon DeathNainn 19 21
80 LP
Prata IV
80 LP Akali
#186,612 Summoner Icon OsseLocke 123 111
80 LP
Prata IV
80 LP Maokai
#186,616 Summoner Icon Moffel 16 22
80 LP
Prata IV
80 LP
#186,619 Summoner Icon Wefras 115 118
80 LP
Prata IV
80 LP
#186,621 Summoner Icon NewStartNoFlame 14 23
80 LP
Prata IV
80 LP Jinx
#186,622 Summoner Icon Gustave Enffil 11 11
80 LP
Prata IV
80 LP
#186,625 Summoner Icon MdeMaikel 77 81
80 LP
Prata IV
80 LP
#186,627 Summoner Icon Hello baguette 42 38
80 LP
Prata IV
80 LP
#186,629 Summoner Icon darckDxD 73 73
80 LP
Prata IV
80 LP
#186,639 Summoner Icon Daan 10 11
80 LP
Prata IV
80 LP Miss Fortune Sivir Ezreal Jhin