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Líderes Oeste da UE

Rank Invocador Vitórias Derrotas Liga / Divisão Pontos Campeões
#14,162 Summoner Icon Glandulaser 44 48
43 LP
Platina I
43 LP
#14,163 Summoner Icon xXxXxXxXxXxXxXx 60 60
43 LP
Platina I
43 LP
#14,164 Summoner Icon Basa55 37 27
43 LP
Platina I
43 LP
#14,168 Summoner Icon SoloLev 56 52
43 LP
Platina I
43 LP Akali
#14,169 Summoner Icon Arekushimurai 152 154
43 LP
Platina I
43 LP
#14,174 Summoner Icon Vitalus 43 30
42 LP
Platina I
42 LP
#14,175 Summoner Icon Teemonlyfan 53 28
42 LP
Platina I
42 LP Sivir
#14,176 Summoner Icon MÁ FIRME PARIENT 58 69
42 LP
Platina I
42 LP
#14,178 Summoner Icon Karel Basken 8 10
42 LP
Platina I
42 LP
#14,179 Summoner Icon Babuin 31 31
42 LP
Platina I
42 LP
#14,182 Summoner Icon vesikoira 16 22
42 LP
Platina I
42 LP
#14,183 Summoner Icon YiMainXXX 85 81
42 LP
Platina I
42 LP
#14,187 Summoner Icon Ken Kitano 19 12
42 LP
Platina I
42 LP
#14,192 Summoner Icon Raigan8 40 41
42 LP
Platina I
42 LP Kayn
#14,194 Summoner Icon Povyorack 85 88
42 LP
Platina I
42 LP Smolder Singed Zilean Illaoi Seraphine
#14,195 Summoner Icon Abraça Fаnals 29 18
42 LP
Platina I
42 LP
#14,196 Summoner Icon يزن 11 6
42 LP
Platina I
42 LP
#14,197 Summoner Icon The Pidgeon 8 4
42 LP
Platina I
42 LP
#14,200 Summoner Icon Wathis 3 6
42 LP
Platina I
42 LP
#14,203 Summoner Icon Nyoz 30 20
42 LP
Platina I
42 LP