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Líderes Oeste da UE

Rank Invocador Vitórias Derrotas Liga / Divisão Pontos Campeões
#9,362 Summoner Icon Balansat 42 44
70 LP
Diamante I
70 LP
#9,363 Summoner Icon PoroKamï 65 69
70 LP
Diamante I
70 LP
#9,364 Summoner Icon flatsevensamurai 118 96
70 LP
Diamante I
70 LP
#9,365 Summoner Icon BBE Komanon 15 5
70 LP
Diamante I
70 LP
#9,366 Summoner Icon Minde 196 153
70 LP
Diamante I
70 LP
#9,368 Summoner Icon Jayeon 59 54
70 LP
Diamante I
70 LP
#9,369 Summoner Icon kerberos int acc 137 132
70 LP
Diamante I
70 LP
#9,372 Summoner Icon ReginaldTheGreat 42 32
69 LP
Diamante I
69 LP
#9,373 Summoner Icon saga 10 6
21 LP
Diamante II
21 LP
#9,376 Summoner Icon Lassman12 27 15
69 LP
Diamante I
69 LP
#9,378 Summoner Icon IlllIIIIIIIIlllI 130 105
69 LP
Diamante I
69 LP Aurora Ahri
#9,379 Summoner Icon Meow at the Moon 97 84
69 LP
Diamante I
69 LP
#9,381 Summoner Icon YoungDadi 64 49
68 LP
Diamante I
68 LP
#9,382 Summoner Icon MRBEASTDEMON666 2 4
84 LP
Esmeralda IV
84 LP
#9,382 Summoner Icon Dunneboshond 134 139
68 LP
Diamante I
68 LP Lulu
#9,383 Summoner Icon Synks 47 43
68 LP
Diamante I
68 LP
#9,385 Summoner Icon Quality 114 99
68 LP
Diamante I
68 LP
#9,386 Summoner Icon Dodgèr 167 160
64 LP
Diamante I
64 LP
#9,387 Summoner Icon JUwUarezz 57 50
68 LP
Diamante I
68 LP
#9,388 Summoner Icon Chris Brοwn 65 49
68 LP
Diamante I
68 LP