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Líderes Oeste da UE

Rank Invocador Vitórias Derrotas Liga / Divisão Pontos Campeões
#4,621 Summoner Icon Evrard 4 1
51 LP
Platina I
51 LP
#4,622 Summoner Icon TFT Tokio 8 5
51 LP
Platina I
51 LP
#4,623 Summoner Icon rayan le sadique 61 56
51 LP
Platina I
51 LP
#4,624 Summoner Icon XinYZWZ 72 72
13 LP
Esmeralda IV
13 LP Shaco Illaoi
#4,626 Summoner Icon スポンジボブ 6 6
49 LP
Platina I
49 LP
#4,627 Summoner Icon 321orez 42 31
49 LP
Platina I
49 LP
#4,628 Summoner Icon Rófl 5 4
49 LP
Platina I
49 LP
#4,630 Summoner Icon RobinTheButcher 5 4
49 LP
Platina I
49 LP
#4,631 Summoner Icon SS Tom Bombadil 57 58
49 LP
Platina I
49 LP
#4,632 Summoner Icon Schelsclique 7 2
49 LP
Platina I
49 LP
#4,633 Summoner Icon Dodge the X 43 39
49 LP
Platina I
49 LP
#4,634 Summoner Icon CarlosFdez 76 75
49 LP
Platina I
49 LP
#4,636 Summoner Icon Razer2102 50 28
49 LP
Platina I
49 LP
#4,637 Summoner Icon Fat Brook 5 4
49 LP
Platina I
49 LP
#4,638 Summoner Icon Avenfold 5 4
49 LP
Platina I
49 LP
#4,641 Summoner Icon Player 1 81 63
49 LP
Platina I
49 LP
#4,643 Summoner Icon Blackbìrd 33 27
48 LP
Platina I
48 LP
#4,644 Summoner Icon 1tr1ckP1mp 28 26
48 LP
Platina I
48 LP Malphite
#4,645 Summoner Icon Neve Super 68 70
48 LP
Platina I
48 LP Viktor
#4,646 Summoner Icon Asurth 31 27
48 LP
Platina I
48 LP