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Líderes Oeste da UE

Rank Invocador Vitórias Derrotas Liga / Divisão Pontos Campeões
#4,121 Summoner Icon Sαrα Mαy 164 160
37 LP
Esmeralda II
37 LP
#4,122 Summoner Icon SSB Loutchi 17 16
16 LP
Diamante IV
16 LP
#4,123 Summoner Icon Moonstruckk 29 23
16 LP
Diamante IV
16 LP
#4,124 Summoner Icon Art The Clown o 69 52
91 LP
Diamante IV
91 LP
#4,125 Summoner Icon NoNameBoy 39 38
15 LP
Diamante IV
15 LP
#4,128 Summoner Icon Tiinsiin 20 11
44 LP
Diamante I
44 LP Corki Samira
#4,129 Summoner Icon Galadriel 42 31
15 LP
Diamante IV
15 LP Malphite
#4,130 Summoner Icon WizardOnWeed 71 73
15 LP
Diamante IV
15 LP
#4,131 Summoner Icon Cubabuka 53 33
15 LP
Diamante IV
15 LP Nocturne
#4,132 Summoner Icon Guava 9 16
0 LP
Diamante III
0 LP Twitch
#4,133 Summoner Icon 哈哈哈哈哈哈 3 7
70 LP
Esmeralda I
70 LP
#4,134 Summoner Icon Fløjtende 29 29
15 LP
Diamante IV
15 LP
#4,135 Summoner Icon 쿵파오 닭고기 수프를 좋아합니 6 10
60 LP
Diamante IV
60 LP
#4,136 Summoner Icon jam 29 30
68 LP
Diamante IV
68 LP
#4,137 Summoner Icon O L S C H 78 70
14 LP
Diamante IV
14 LP
#4,138 Summoner Icon Sighlens 29 25
14 LP
Diamante IV
14 LP
#4,139 Summoner Icon Balmag 53 36
14 LP
Diamante IV
14 LP Sett
#4,140 Summoner Icon Wurelitto 79 85
14 LP
Diamante IV
14 LP Gnar Katarina
#4,141 Summoner Icon Sodomax 11 10
13 LP
Diamante IV
13 LP
#4,142 Summoner Icon BaguetteThrow 34 24
13 LP
Diamante IV
13 LP