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Líderes Oeste da UE

Rank Invocador Vitórias Derrotas Liga / Divisão Pontos Campeões
#30,021 Summoner Icon antiqu 12 8
11 LP
Bronze IV
11 LP
#30,023 Summoner Icon Bald Punch Man 7 7
88 LP
Bronze IV
88 LP
#30,024 Summoner Icon Diosito 17 15
11 LP
Bronze IV
11 LP
#30,025 Summoner Icon Lizard 13 14
11 LP
Bronze IV
11 LP
#30,026 Summoner Icon StraayKid 6 7
51 LP
Bronze IV
51 LP
#30,027 Summoner Icon ripperx34 33 36
11 LP
Bronze IV
11 LP
#30,028 Summoner Icon RedKnight 4 4
11 LP
Bronze IV
11 LP
#30,029 Summoner Icon filipe210106 14 9
11 LP
Bronze IV
11 LP
#30,031 Summoner Icon Paaaaaaaiiiin 2 5
11 LP
Bronze IV
11 LP
#30,033 Summoner Icon SavioMoccia 10 17
11 LP
Bronze IV
11 LP
#30,035 Summoner Icon transpalette 32 35
11 LP
Bronze IV
11 LP
#30,037 Summoner Icon Siegera 56 39
18 LP
Prata II
18 LP
#30,038 Summoner Icon indianafont 15 17
11 LP
Bronze IV
11 LP
#30,039 Summoner Icon ItzMainZz 70 74
11 LP
Bronze IV
11 LP Illaoi Sett
#30,046 Summoner Icon AegismaximusIV 51 47
10 LP
Bronze IV
10 LP Morgana
#30,047 Summoner Icon LeFouDuMetro 97 107
10 LP
Bronze IV
10 LP Pantheon
#30,049 Summoner Icon RAGNAROK2895 34 30
10 LP
Bronze IV
10 LP Sett
#30,052 Summoner Icon Twix1232 69 69
10 LP
Bronze IV
10 LP Kled Heimerdinger
#30,053 Summoner Icon Song of Rex 23 39
18 LP
Bronze IV
18 LP
#30,054 Summoner Icon NOTramyeeo 31 41
10 LP
Bronze IV
10 LP