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Líderes Oeste da UE

Rank Invocador Vitórias Derrotas Liga / Divisão Pontos Campeões
#203,923 Summoner Icon Fruit 41 46
8 LP
Prata IV
8 LP Swain
#203,925 Summoner Icon Skullbunker 14 5
8 LP
Prata IV
8 LP
#203,929 Summoner Icon TheNischi 85 65
8 LP
Prata IV
8 LP
#203,931 Summoner Icon TomAtito MorTaL 155 157
8 LP
Prata IV
8 LP
#203,932 Summoner Icon 156cm 112kg 9cm 50 30
8 LP
Prata IV
8 LP
#203,934 Summoner Icon Liebi97 22 21
8 LP
Prata IV
8 LP
#203,936 Summoner Icon Aleza 22 15
8 LP
Prata IV
8 LP
#203,938 Summoner Icon draemor 10 5
8 LP
Prata IV
8 LP
#203,939 Summoner Icon ZaLuuu 6 7
8 LP
Prata IV
8 LP
#203,940 Summoner Icon RatKîng 8 5
8 LP
Prata IV
8 LP Yasuo
#203,944 Summoner Icon momohacene 7 3
8 LP
Prata IV
8 LP
#203,946 Summoner Icon SKBeataIgnoranza 25 20
8 LP
Prata IV
8 LP
#203,948 Summoner Icon Jàck Daniels 59 54
8 LP
Prata IV
8 LP
#203,949 Summoner Icon The Meruem 97 91
8 LP
Prata IV
8 LP
#203,950 Summoner Icon Iroh 45 44
8 LP
Prata IV
8 LP Karma
#203,954 Summoner Icon Ratus Maximus 61 60
8 LP
Prata IV
8 LP
#203,958 Summoner Icon rastaldii 74 64
8 LP
Prata IV
8 LP
#203,959 Summoner Icon Dieulink1 29 37
8 LP
Prata IV
8 LP
#203,960 Summoner Icon DevilsBlonde 2 5
8 LP
Prata IV
8 LP
#203,961 Summoner Icon Ya55u0 18 13
8 LP
Prata IV
8 LP