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Líderes Oeste da UE

Rank Invocador Vitórias Derrotas Liga / Divisão Pontos Campeões
#20,341 Summoner Icon Freedom Seeker 63 52
48 LP
Diamante IV
48 LP
#20,344 Summoner Icon Mace116 89 83
48 LP
Diamante IV
48 LP
#20,346 Summoner Icon TURBOFASTWROOMXD 8 7
48 LP
Diamante IV
48 LP Lulu
#20,348 Summoner Icon zieleniec21 18 19
48 LP
Diamante IV
48 LP
#20,349 Summoner Icon KanaTheKana 207 187
48 LP
Diamante IV
48 LP
#20,351 Summoner Icon SparoXic 99 81
48 LP
Diamante IV
48 LP
#20,352 Summoner Icon IneedGaloV3 47 42
48 LP
Diamante IV
48 LP
#20,353 Summoner Icon Greed 54 50
48 LP
Diamante IV
48 LP
#20,354 Summoner Icon Qauver 69 65
48 LP
Diamante IV
48 LP
#20,354 Summoner Icon mAZ3 18 28
75 LP
Esmeralda I
75 LP
#20,355 Summoner Icon Snus Ingvar 99 79
48 LP
Diamante IV
48 LP Seraphine
#20,357 Summoner Icon pedrobcv 46 30
48 LP
Diamante IV
48 LP
#20,358 Summoner Icon Bomano 38 16
48 LP
Diamante IV
48 LP
#20,359 Summoner Icon Banditosi 167 138
48 LP
Diamante IV
48 LP
#20,361 Summoner Icon ChaosD3M0N 121 109
48 LP
Diamante IV
48 LP
#20,362 Summoner Icon Strong Warrior 85 70
48 LP
Diamante IV
48 LP
#20,363 Summoner Icon dababymha12 40 39
48 LP
Diamante IV
48 LP
#20,364 Summoner Icon I own The Nub 11 18
48 LP
Diamante IV
48 LP
#20,365 Summoner Icon KaZlos 72 78
48 LP
Diamante IV
48 LP
#20,368 Summoner Icon Pixet 78 86
48 LP
Diamante IV
48 LP