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Líderes UE Nórdica e Oriental

Rank Invocador Vitórias Derrotas Liga / Divisão Pontos Campeões
#166,322 Summoner Icon patti chiari 3 5
20 LP
Prata IV
20 LP
#166,323 Summoner Icon AlaniaraBigonia 190 194
99 LP
Prata IV
99 LP
#166,324 Summoner Icon majkybee 16 6
20 LP
Prata IV
20 LP
#166,325 Summoner Icon TribexFuark 4 2
20 LP
Prata IV
20 LP
#166,326 Summoner Icon DrakeEnjoyer228 45 50
20 LP
Prata IV
20 LP
#166,327 Summoner Icon 0khaled99 22 20
20 LP
Prata IV
20 LP
#166,328 Summoner Icon Issran 4 10
20 LP
Prata IV
20 LP
#166,329 Summoner Icon Thedudle 21 23
20 LP
Prata IV
20 LP
#166,331 Summoner Icon Bambusiar 10 15
20 LP
Prata IV
20 LP
#166,332 Summoner Icon ToxxxicSinged 32 30
20 LP
Prata IV
20 LP Diana Brand
#166,333 Summoner Icon butchersskunk 124 113
20 LP
Prata IV
20 LP
#166,334 Summoner Icon Tvetoslav 37 40
20 LP
Prata IV
20 LP
#166,335 Summoner Icon hell to u 69 78
20 LP
Prata IV
20 LP
#166,336 Summoner Icon Cavalerul2000 26 29
20 LP
Prata IV
20 LP
#166,337 Summoner Icon xKardix 25 31
68 LP
Prata IV
68 LP Caitlyn
#166,338 Summoner Icon Damyan67 11 14
20 LP
Prata IV
20 LP
#166,340 Summoner Icon niko16 48 52
20 LP
Prata IV
20 LP Master Yi Shyvana
#166,341 Summoner Icon HopelessBeast 90 113
20 LP
Prata IV
20 LP Xayah
#166,342 Summoner Icon elmagico95 32 10
3 LP
Prata I
3 LP
#166,343 Summoner Icon MárkG 5 4
20 LP
Prata IV
20 LP Tahm Kench