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Líderes UE Nórdica e Oriental

Rank Invocador Vitórias Derrotas Liga / Divisão Pontos Campeões
#158,301 Summoner Icon ØG Ramy 18 17
56 LP
Prata IV
56 LP
#158,302 Summoner Icon Alma21Kt2 3 8
56 LP
Prata IV
56 LP
#158,303 Summoner Icon Hornblas0214 92 104
56 LP
Prata IV
56 LP
#158,305 Summoner Icon Whiskers 50 62
56 LP
Prata IV
56 LP
#158,306 Summoner Icon SredniKutacz 6 4
56 LP
Prata IV
56 LP
#158,307 Summoner Icon Escanor YII 76 83
56 LP
Prata IV
56 LP
#158,308 Summoner Icon Katawinaaa 24 31
56 LP
Prata IV
56 LP
#158,309 Summoner Icon DeLaMuerte 8 12
56 LP
Prata IV
56 LP
#158,310 Summoner Icon adakde 20 18
56 LP
Prata IV
56 LP
#158,311 Summoner Icon FleshElek 172 175
56 LP
Prata IV
56 LP
#158,312 Summoner Icon b0x 15 18
56 LP
Prata IV
56 LP
#158,313 Summoner Icon Afankus 22 27
56 LP
Prata IV
56 LP
#158,315 Summoner Icon Monochromizer 87 93
56 LP
Prata IV
56 LP
#158,318 Summoner Icon THE GUDEST BOI 15 9
56 LP
Prata IV
56 LP
#158,319 Summoner Icon dikthot 10 12
56 LP
Prata IV
56 LP
#158,320 Summoner Icon grumpy simon 24 30
56 LP
Prata IV
56 LP
#158,322 Summoner Icon ugotowanykij 197 199
56 LP
Prata IV
56 LP
#158,323 Summoner Icon OmegaSquadDjomla 15 12
56 LP
Prata IV
56 LP
#158,324 Summoner Icon OnlyTopRenekton 7 7
56 LP
Prata IV
56 LP
#158,325 Summoner Icon DiabloVP 35 29
56 LP
Prata IV
56 LP