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Líderes UE Nórdica e Oriental

Rank Invocador Vitórias Derrotas Liga / Divisão Pontos Campeões
#155,601 Summoner Icon ArchenisusJr 81 95
70 LP
Prata IV
70 LP
#155,602 Summoner Icon Dírty Díana 10 10
70 LP
Prata IV
70 LP
#155,603 Summoner Icon AllMighto 3 3
70 LP
Prata IV
70 LP
#155,604 Summoner Icon Tryumph 17 19
70 LP
Prata IV
70 LP
#155,606 Summoner Icon meowwow 13 14
70 LP
Prata IV
70 LP
#155,607 Summoner Icon JRG drewko7 2 6
70 LP
Prata IV
70 LP
#155,609 Summoner Icon Alfy01 9 8
70 LP
Prata IV
70 LP
#155,610 Summoner Icon The violator Ω 93 125
70 LP
Prata IV
70 LP
#155,611 Summoner Icon rezyork 20 22
70 LP
Prata IV
70 LP Viego
#155,612 Summoner Icon MasterMuffin06 39 36
70 LP
Prata IV
70 LP Kayn
#155,613 Summoner Icon EL FRUGO 25 27
70 LP
Prata IV
70 LP
#155,614 Summoner Icon Jeake929 119 111
70 LP
Prata IV
70 LP Orianna
#155,615 Summoner Icon nirvhana 133 132
70 LP
Prata IV
70 LP Lux
#155,616 Summoner Icon Guguna2021 15 24
70 LP
Prata IV
70 LP
#155,617 Summoner Icon busmadenstore 3 3
70 LP
Prata IV
70 LP
#155,618 Summoner Icon kostas770 9 4
70 LP
Prata IV
70 LP
#155,619 Summoner Icon józef ballin 70 73
70 LP
Prata IV
70 LP
#155,621 Summoner Icon c0Reee 21 16
70 LP
Prata IV
70 LP
#155,622 Summoner Icon NoPityNoMercy 8 14
70 LP
Prata IV
70 LP
#155,623 Summoner Icon GankMode 25 17
70 LP
Prata IV
70 LP