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Líderes UE Nórdica e Oriental

Rank Invocador Vitórias Derrotas Liga / Divisão Pontos Campeões
#154,001 Summoner Icon sunioksed 3 2
79 LP
Prata IV
79 LP
#154,006 Summoner Icon EldinMirna 104 101
79 LP
Prata IV
79 LP
#154,007 Summoner Icon Proxiipie 91 75
79 LP
Prata IV
79 LP
#154,009 Summoner Icon ValiumForMoney 3 6
78 LP
Prata IV
78 LP
#154,010 Summoner Icon Varymas 80 60
78 LP
Prata IV
78 LP
#154,012 Summoner Icon ObsraneMajty69 26 20
78 LP
Prata IV
78 LP
#154,018 Summoner Icon Gremlins xD 28 28
78 LP
Prata IV
78 LP Rengar
#154,021 Summoner Icon King Of EloHell 146 122
78 LP
Prata IV
78 LP
#154,023 Summoner Icon 2LProsecco 92 98
78 LP
Prata IV
78 LP
#154,025 Summoner Icon KonTrojanski 6 4
78 LP
Prata IV
78 LP
#154,026 Summoner Icon OmegaCoban 15 16
78 LP
Prata IV
78 LP
#154,027 Summoner Icon NSG Jesusu553 10 8
78 LP
Prata IV
78 LP
#154,030 Summoner Icon KiritoKenshi 5 6
78 LP
Prata IV
78 LP
#154,032 Summoner Icon lolximen 3 2
78 LP
Prata IV
78 LP
#154,033 Summoner Icon TheLastEquinox 52 53
78 LP
Prata IV
78 LP
#154,034 Summoner Icon Mlody bubsmen 72 65
78 LP
Prata IV
78 LP
#154,037 Summoner Icon nockstrish 13 14
5 LP
Prata III
5 LP Viktor Swain
#154,038 Summoner Icon Flame Hashira 52 49
78 LP
Prata IV
78 LP
#154,039 Summoner Icon JZUH 168 147
78 LP
Prata IV
78 LP
#154,041 Summoner Icon NiPX 6 12
78 LP
Prata IV
78 LP