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Líderes UE Nórdica e Oriental

Rank Invocador Vitórias Derrotas Liga / Divisão Pontos Campeões
#153,443 Summoner Icon Fraudkuna420 31 31
82 LP
Prata IV
82 LP
#153,444 Summoner Icon SKT T1 ZedNexus 5 0
82 LP
Prata IV
82 LP
#153,447 Summoner Icon SCJ Ghost Diana 34 31
82 LP
Prata IV
82 LP
#153,448 Summoner Icon Rum v bandaske 82 88
82 LP
Prata IV
82 LP
#153,449 Summoner Icon YΑSSUICIDE 66 82
82 LP
Prata IV
82 LP
#153,452 Summoner Icon The weird guy 24 21
82 LP
Prata IV
82 LP
#153,453 Summoner Icon WlTlA 70 66
82 LP
Prata IV
82 LP
#153,454 Summoner Icon xCrystal Barbiex 15 11
82 LP
Prata IV
82 LP
#153,456 Summoner Icon imjordrew 4 9
82 LP
Prata IV
82 LP Trundle Nilah
#153,458 Summoner Icon m1nas 98 86
82 LP
Prata IV
82 LP
#153,459 Summoner Icon Avalanors 43 38
82 LP
Prata IV
82 LP
#153,461 Summoner Icon SETTKING23 25 27
82 LP
Prata IV
82 LP Thresh
#153,462 Summoner Icon FreakyChucky 7 5
82 LP
Prata IV
82 LP
#153,463 Summoner Icon Petarpn3578 4 7
82 LP
Prata IV
82 LP
#153,465 Summoner Icon NaStoleStałaMisa 7 4
82 LP
Prata IV
82 LP
#153,470 Summoner Icon ależ 4 5
82 LP
Prata IV
82 LP
#153,472 Summoner Icon Newbiecek 29 34
82 LP
Prata IV
82 LP
#153,473 Summoner Icon TMT AmiKo 3 2
82 LP
Prata IV
82 LP
#153,475 Summoner Icon 2kartas 23 25
82 LP
Prata IV
82 LP Tahm Kench
#153,477 Summoner Icon ChuPika Malaka 40 50
82 LP
Prata IV
82 LP