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Líderes UE Nórdica e Oriental

Rank Invocador Vitórias Derrotas Liga / Divisão Pontos Campeões
#132,221 Summoner Icon ShevaTheKing 47 33
9 LP
Prata IV
9 LP
#132,222 Summoner Icon JIM MPOUKOS 140 131
9 LP
Prata IV
9 LP Lissandra Viego Briar
#132,223 Summoner Icon Limkowaty 22 24
9 LP
Prata IV
9 LP Yorick Jinx Amumu
#132,224 Summoner Icon badseba 12 10
9 LP
Prata IV
9 LP
#132,225 Summoner Icon BennetonN 44 52
9 LP
Prata IV
9 LP Ekko
#132,226 Summoner Icon DobriDuhBrzine77 8 10
9 LP
Prata IV
9 LP Lee Sin Vi
#132,227 Summoner Icon PingwinicaAlfa 6 5
9 LP
Prata IV
9 LP
#132,228 Summoner Icon MINIstudent 3 5
9 LP
Prata IV
9 LP
#132,230 Summoner Icon prejaKK 47 43
9 LP
Prata IV
9 LP Lux Teemo
#132,231 Summoner Icon The Shieda Kayn 10 7
9 LP
Prata IV
9 LP
#132,232 Summoner Icon 1TP Teemo 24 22
9 LP
Prata IV
9 LP
#132,233 Summoner Icon hady altro 70 83
9 LP
Prata IV
9 LP
#132,234 Summoner Icon Ragent10 21 28
9 LP
Prata IV
9 LP K'Sante Illaoi
#132,236 Summoner Icon XfredzioX 2 4
9 LP
Prata IV
9 LP Kai'Sa
#132,237 Summoner Icon Masturb1nho 36 39
9 LP
Prata IV
9 LP Viego
#132,238 Summoner Icon spokodaniel 26 13
9 LP
Prata IV
9 LP Syndra
#132,239 Summoner Icon SYm530CBuF2oIrJY 52 52
9 LP
Prata IV
9 LP
#132,240 Summoner Icon Joji23 65 58
9 LP
Prata IV
9 LP Renata Glasc Senna
#132,241 Summoner Icon davionel 18 22
0 LP
Prata IV
0 LP
#132,242 Summoner Icon Krajsz 7 7
9 LP
Prata IV
9 LP