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Líderes UE Nórdica e Oriental

Rank Invocador Vitórias Derrotas Liga / Divisão Pontos Campeões
#122,365 Summoner Icon MARQUEZZ 32 38
70 LP
Prata IV
70 LP
#122,366 Summoner Icon korwinoszczur 3 2
70 LP
Prata IV
70 LP
#122,369 Summoner Icon Bethica 18 22
70 LP
Prata IV
70 LP
#122,371 Summoner Icon T1 Ryzee 63 61
70 LP
Prata IV
70 LP
#122,377 Summoner Icon concussion 24 23
70 LP
Prata IV
70 LP
#122,378 Summoner Icon damian samochud 26 15
18 LP
Ouro IV
18 LP
#122,381 Summoner Icon ArchenisusJr 81 95
70 LP
Prata IV
70 LP
#122,382 Summoner Icon AllMighto 3 3
70 LP
Prata IV
70 LP
#122,385 Summoner Icon JRG drewko7 2 6
70 LP
Prata IV
70 LP
#122,389 Summoner Icon MasterMuffin06 39 36
70 LP
Prata IV
70 LP
#122,390 Summoner Icon nirvhana 133 132
70 LP
Prata IV
70 LP
#122,396 Summoner Icon NoPityNoMercy 8 14
70 LP
Prata IV
70 LP
#122,401 Summoner Icon gaarbage game 10 11
70 LP
Prata IV
70 LP Lucian
#122,403 Summoner Icon JacobR06 25 38
70 LP
Prata IV
70 LP
#122,404 Summoner Icon The Żbik 46 50
70 LP
Prata IV
70 LP
#122,406 Summoner Icon Player191 69 68
70 LP
Prata IV
70 LP
#122,408 Summoner Icon Hrmenzy 14 14
70 LP
Prata IV
70 LP
#122,410 Summoner Icon Orbit Fun 8 14
70 LP
Prata IV
70 LP
#122,413 Summoner Icon gamerlex122 23 36
70 LP
Prata IV
70 LP
#122,414 Summoner Icon 17goku17 40 41
70 LP
Prata IV
70 LP