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Líderes UE Nórdica e Oriental

Rank Invocador Vitórias Derrotas Liga / Divisão Pontos Campeões
#114,382 Summoner Icon Skrall1295 30 33
42 LP
Prata I
42 LP Jhin Kennen
#114,383 Summoner Icon NetherlandsPolen 26 18
42 LP
Prata I
42 LP
#114,384 Summoner Icon Knatcha 92 71
42 LP
Prata I
42 LP
#114,385 Summoner Icon SegJGJK 34 28
42 LP
Prata I
42 LP
#114,386 Summoner Icon KID BUU 15 25
42 LP
Prata I
42 LP
#114,387 Summoner Icon JustOneSmile 104 100
42 LP
Prata I
42 LP
#114,392 Summoner Icon RogowskiRuchacz 40 52
42 LP
Prata I
42 LP
#114,393 Summoner Icon 69 zile fara lol 97 100
42 LP
Prata I
42 LP Yuumi
#114,397 Summoner Icon mattttttttttttar 49 48
42 LP
Prata I
42 LP
#114,399 Summoner Icon Bilon 4 1
42 LP
Prata I
42 LP
#114,401 Summoner Icon syringe313 77 69
42 LP
Prata I
42 LP
#114,402 Summoner Icon The Rocinante 7 9
42 LP
Prata I
42 LP
#114,406 Summoner Icon Grigoriev 14 8
42 LP
Prata I
42 LP
#114,407 Summoner Icon LakeWateri 18 20
42 LP
Prata I
42 LP
#114,409 Summoner Icon Beefy 7 13
42 LP
Prata I
42 LP
#114,411 Summoner Icon JoosepinLeka 18 11
42 LP
Prata I
42 LP
#114,416 Summoner Icon MrMaxserw 27 22
42 LP
Prata I
42 LP
#114,419 Summoner Icon 2 centi elég 1 5
42 LP
Prata I
42 LP
#114,420 Summoner Icon kuposzto01 58 59
42 LP
Prata I
42 LP Jinx
#114,421 Summoner Icon Romulus 12 13
42 LP
Prata I
42 LP Pantheon