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Líderes UE Nórdica e Oriental

Rank Invocador Vitórias Derrotas Liga / Divisão Pontos Campeões
#90,481 Summoner Icon Peterox 3 2
81 LP
Ouro IV
81 LP Kai'Sa
#90,482 Summoner Icon Spectrorum 46 43
81 LP
Ouro IV
81 LP
#90,485 Summoner Icon BLACK MAMBA LAL 10 1
80 LP
Ouro IV
80 LP
#90,490 Summoner Icon Johnny Twitch 15 19
80 LP
Ouro IV
80 LP Shyvana Lee Sin
#90,492 Summoner Icon Δrάk3 83 70
80 LP
Ouro IV
80 LP
#90,493 Summoner Icon NexusGuardian 186 177
80 LP
Ouro IV
80 LP Xerath
#90,495 Summoner Icon Sadaide Boyka 178 177
80 LP
Ouro IV
80 LP
#90,497 Summoner Icon zzDeea 6 12
80 LP
Ouro IV
80 LP
#90,500 Summoner Icon Matyash 10 8
80 LP
Ouro IV
80 LP Jarvan IV
#90,505 Summoner Icon Marrhey 41 34
80 LP
Ouro IV
80 LP
#90,506 Summoner Icon TheKeyserSoze 76 79
80 LP
Ouro IV
80 LP Xerath
#90,509 Summoner Icon Yellowhead 11 14
80 LP
Ouro IV
80 LP
#90,510 Summoner Icon dutex 39 42
80 LP
Ouro IV
80 LP
#90,512 Summoner Icon MKWD 187 165
80 LP
Ouro IV
80 LP Lux
#90,513 Summoner Icon twojstarysandal 72 69
80 LP
Ouro IV
80 LP
#90,514 Summoner Icon Nie Tyle To Nie 51 48
80 LP
Ouro IV
80 LP
#90,516 Summoner Icon Zedrial Smith 24 24
80 LP
Ouro IV
80 LP
#90,519 Summoner Icon I GERALD69 I 105 109
80 LP
Ouro IV
80 LP Viktor
#90,520 Summoner Icon TalTheKing 41 38
80 LP
Ouro IV
80 LP
#90,521 Summoner Icon Georges 666 31 38
80 LP
Ouro IV
80 LP Kayn